Good afternoon, Rusty!
You will find, if you have by now opened your paper, that the selfsame story about Maria's having taken the drug mildronate / meldonium for a decade instead of six weeks is also in there!
There have been suggestions that she should be stripped of her tennis titles!
This could never happen, though, could it?
Or else where would this debacle stop?
Every sport would be involved and numerous fingers pointed at goodness knows how many sportsmen and women!
Chaos would reign!
I am feeling sadly disillusioned!
Not just by Maria......... but by the knowledge that so much of this "cheating" is going on.......
I have tried to close my eyes to some of it - as you well know! - not wishing to acknowledge how bad things really are.......
But I am forced to face the harsh reality.
I've only done the Times QC so far today...........yes, another Spoonerism!
I had the answer before I could work out the spoonerism though!
What next...."Malapropisms"......?
Still raining here........