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11th March 2016, 11:03
Good morning, Elle!
Bit dreich here today.
Of course you are not talking rubbish!
Good points regarding tennis and golf.
I honestly do not know if golfers get tested.
I cannot recall hearing about it.
I remember reading, years ago, that competitors in the shooting events took something to keep them calm and steady the nerves.
So, it's horses for courses, I think.
What would benefit a sprinter in an explosive event like the 100 metres would be unlikely to help a distance runner?
Good old Andy Murray says to ban Maria!
Good to hear young Laura Robson is making a pain free recovery from her injury.
6531 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th March 2016, 16:46
Good afternoon, Rusty!
A very successful day out !
First of all... the sun came out - it ended up being a lovely day and relatively mild.
I bought three outfits for the baby and a game for BB.
Lunch and company were good!
The tram ride was pleasant.
Have you had a good day? Did you go for a walk?
Now today's Times QC has come up with yet another homophone! this is getting to be a (daily) habit!
19A: Was aware of talking animal (3)
I have been singing Flanders and Swann's song ever since.......
"I'm a g-nu ........a g-nother g-nu....... the g-nicest work of g-nature in the zoo"...........
I haven't got around to the Times 15 x 15 yet.... I wonder what that will have in store?
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11th March 2016, 16:55
hello you lovely people, i thought you might be interested in a cockney clue from today's Guardian.

21a. 8 cockney fixer (4) N?L?
the answer to 8 is watercourse.

I have lived most of my life in SE London and this made me laugh out loud. it's just wrong.

1d was another homophone clue. it's here if you're interested.

i couldn't be bothered to do this crossword when i realised it was partly a geography test
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11th March 2016, 17:05
21 is more like Aussie than cockney !
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11th March 2016, 17:20
Hi, Trev!
I'm presuming "nail" is meant to sound like "Nile" when spoken by a Cockney?
I know two "Cockneys" who are very "broad" - I shall make a point of asking them when they return from their cruise!
But on the face of it, I am with Eirlys - to me it sounds more "Aussie"
(but there again, I'm not very good on local accents!)
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11th March 2016, 17:30
agreed Eirlys,
i only occasionally look into this thread, just been reading the most recent.
earn and urn sound the same to me (Eric and him).
For bad soundalikes, i think Elle's gnu will take some beating (although i'm against animal cruelty).
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11th March 2016, 17:38
Hi Elle,
none of the cockneys i've ever met would pronounce nail as nile (maybe Dick Van Dyke did).
still, i think we can normally 'see' what the setter is getting at when they use clues based on accent and they are sometimes quite amusing.
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11th March 2016, 17:42
I have a book on Aussie Strine by "Emma Chisit"
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11th March 2016, 17:42
Actually, gnu is supposedly pronounced as "new" or "noo", according to whether you are English or American!
The "g" is silent unless you are Flanders and/or Swann!
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11th March 2016, 18:18
wow - who gknew? that song must've tainted me.
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