Good morning, Rusty!
Another lovely day! We are being extremely fortunate - altho' I have to admit to its being a tad chilly!
I see Maria has hit the headlines in some papers this morning - although the Times has her on the back page!
The Metro - the free London paper - is referring to her as Maria "SharaDOPA" on its front page!
It 's a difficult call, I think - although she is clearly at fault, the drug has only been banned since January and is also being called by a different name.
I had heard of mildronate, but meldonium was new to me.
I am not convinced - especially by the timing - that she meant to offend.
Although I do appreciate that you feel strongly that she has been cheating!
And what to do about asthma drugs........?
Short of banning the intake of all drugs by all sport participants , what can be done?
Mostly, with the present regime, it's a case of "closing the stable door after the horse has bolted ".........