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19th February 2016, 17:39
Hello, Elle!
Poor Victoria fell off again!
Always drama when she is around!
Both Pacha and her are OK.
Wonder what Plan B is?
Had a nice hilarious time at Pine Cone!
Back to normal now!
Quite cold here now.
Wondering whether to back Lindsey or Lara tomorrow!
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19th February 2016, 19:56
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear! that is the second time Victoria has fallen off, isn't it? How disastrous will this prove?
Excuse a layman's ( possibly idiotic?) question , but doesn't the rider falling off distress the horse? or did he carry on racing without rider?
Wasn't today's performance at Fakenham to play an important part in the decision about whether she should ride at Cheltenham?
What will happen now?
I meant to ask you whether you have successfully put together your new wardrobe? Are you pleased with it?
Did you ask the British Heart Foundation about coming to collect your old one?
Right, boys are in bed....and dinner is now ready........
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19th February 2016, 20:21
Hello, Elle.
Things are up in the air a bit.
Pacha did not fall, Vic went out the side door after landing at one fence. Another horse gave Pacha a wee bump and Victoria came off. Horses are "flight" animals and Pacha kept going.
Vic is fine and still brim full of enthusiasm.
I imagine that she will sit down and talk it through with Paul Nicholls, Lawney Hill, Yogi Breisner, and maybe Betfair, to see what happens now.
She absolutely adores what she is doing now.
Loves the horses!
Her Mum was there today, too.
Wardrobe arrives a week today.
My old one is going to wood skip.
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19th February 2016, 21:28
Guess what?
The skiing folk took up Lara Gut's suggestion and are having two downhills this weekend. One today and one tomorrow.
I did not know about todays!
Lara won, and Lindsey Vonn crashed out.
Apparently she blamed her equipment and her language was very unladylike!
So, tomorrow I will be cheering Lara Gut down the mountain.
Do not like bad losers!
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19th February 2016, 21:41
Hi, Rusty!
As I think I mentioned previously, there are various charities that will collect no longer wanted furniture from you and will either sell it and use the proceeds for their charity, or will donate said furniture to the "needy".
Would this not be a viable alternative to the tip? Your old wardrobe might well be of use to someone? You might be doing a good turn?
Just a could look this up on Google?
But no matter if you have already arranged for its disposal.
Just one of my probably 'not-so bright' ideas!
One more day here for daughter and the boys! Younger daughter and youngest grandson are coming here early tomorrow morning , so that the cousins can all meet up and play.
And then later we are all going to the Toby Carvery for lunch. It is younger daughter's birthday on Sunday - so we shall celebrate a day early whilst the sisters are together.
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19th February 2016, 21:52
Hey, Rusty!
Our posts crossed! Your second one arrived whilst I was typing my reply to your first!
Now, firstly, why was Lara suggesting having two downhills this weekend? Would this be because there were a lot of competitors? Was the main race to be divided into two heats? or am I on the wrong track altogether here?
Lara did well to win, but it must have been upsetting to hear Lindsey swearing - I know how you hate that!
And I know what is like when discovering that one of one's "idols" - as in a tennis favourite - turns out to have "feet of clay"!
But maybe you should forgive Lindsey.....anyone can have a bad day and lose it a little!
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20th February 2016, 04:19
Good morning, Elle.
Lara Gut made her suggestion last week when the downhil was cancelled at Crans-Montana.
Vonn is blaming her technician for her fall.
It is a bit over my head but it is to do with her ski bindings.
They are set to level 18, abd she wants them set at level 20.
Her technician will not do this, as he says it is too dangerous, in the event of a high speed crash, and the ski may not release.. The men's bindings release is set at 20.
I think that the most famous woman athlete in the world blaming others for her misfortune is not very becoming and her rant was completely uncalled for.
Very unsporting. I hope she had the manners to congratulate Lara, who won very well.
Hope Lara wins today!
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20th February 2016, 08:03
I agree, rusty. Poor workmen blame their tools and her techie person is probably quite right. Whether or not, whatever happened to sportsmanship? I dislike all sport and think it's responsible for a lot of joint damage not apparent until late middle age (though a lad opposite me who played hockey for England had shot knees by the age of 16, I was told).
A long time ago I used to ride horses, but could never stay on over jumps and gave up after a long spell in hospital (caused by falling off) ! The forces on you as the horse swerves or lands are quite amazing. I admire those who can stay on at all, though I don't want to watch them.
I've just read "For All the Tea in China", the story of bringing the plants to England (pirates!) and finding how to grow them in our Empire (sorry) and prepare the leaves.
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20th February 2016, 08:42
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich today! I believe we are to have a short dry spell later this morning, but drizzle will follow this afternoon.
We shall see.....I guess I cannot complain, as the weather has been brilliant this past week whilst the boys have been here.
I do fully understand what you are saying about Lindsey. It is indeed very unsporting of her to put the blame for her losing on someone else.
Hopefully, after a night's sleep , she will repent of her ways and will at least apologise to the technician.
Although I think as far as your support goes, she has "blotted her copybook" for good? (another idiom whose origin we can query?)
I expect you have already been out for your paper and are now back ready for whenever the downhill starts?
The boys have been up for ever (or so it seems!)......and I must do a few chores before the day starts in earnest.......
Enjoy your skiing!

Hi, Ros!
Are you having grandchildren with you today, too?
I'm putting in for a volume control least one that operates on a pre-breakfast basis!
We are being joined by more family shortly! so then there will be great excitement when the three boys get together!
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20th February 2016, 08:52
The noise level will be stupendous. I bet you're tired tonight!

No meeting friend today. Tomorrow taking family out for curry, which we do most years in memory of their father, who loved it. We also plant primrose on a roadside bank where he died. They are a sheet of pale yellow now
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