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19th February 2016, 08:44
Good morning, Rusty!
We have yet another lovely day here!
Cold and frosty, but with brilliant sunshine.
The plan for today is walking the dog, out for lunch, and going to a "soft play" centre. A busy day!
Victoria must be doing well if she is a favourite to win!
Aare you having a bet on her? (just to show your faith?)
I hope you are able to view the race on your television?
I cannot, so please keep me informed.
Good luck with your man and a van!
6241 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th February 2016, 09:10
Good Morning Elle,

Glad your weather is nice for your various outings.

Could you enlighten me and tell me what is meant by 'soft play'?
(When you have a minute to yourself that is !)

Enjoy your day.
6242 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th February 2016, 09:18
Hello, Pigale!
Basically it is a play centre with a soft surface - so that if a child falls off the equipment he will not hurt himself.
There are climbing frames, for instance, so if you fell off you would get a soft landing!
We are having incredibly beautiful weather! it is cold, but who care about that? so long as it doesn't rain.......
Going out in about an hour.......

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19th February 2016, 09:38
Hi Rusty

I took my grandchildren to a soft play area yesterday, they are fabulous places and the one I go to is free, in a Wyevale Garden Centre, but you have to book. I like it because there are windows (often not the case).
There are usually climbing frames, as Elle says, quite often slides you get to by climbing up ridges on an inclined, softish plastic pathway so even 2 year olds can manage. There's usually a ball pond and ride on toys. One I know has a complicated system of pipes which blow balls round. Mostly the children I've seen run round and round and up and down!
My granddaughter had a slight accident and her brother brought her to us to clean up. Of course we cleaned up the puddle as well, and told the supervisor who said (believe it or not) that most people do not tell her. The same people who leave nappies around and throw the cans out of their car windows that I clean up most days, I suppose.
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19th February 2016, 10:33
Good morning, Elle!
Cold but dry here.
I am going out for lunch (bacon roll) too!
Misses Orlando and La Bamba are calling for me.
We are meeting friends from Norn Iron at Pine Cone.
My friends have had a couple of days at Pitlochry and are here until Sunday.
It is Vic's horse who merits being favourite!
I think he is a cut above the rest, (he has won at Aintree), and Victoria, if she can stay on, should just about win.
I shall watch...with trepidation.
No bet for me. The odds are very short, in fact, odds on.
My "man" phoned, apologising for not getting back to me last night. The booking is still a goer!
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19th February 2016, 10:40
Hello, Rosalind,
I am not sure if your post was intended for me?
I agree regarding the selfish dolts who throw their rubbish over their shoulder, so to speak.
Soft play areas are new to me.
Not sure we should make things too soft for the children.
The odd bump or two makes them learn.
I am going out later and hopefully won't have any "accidents"!
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19th February 2016, 10:50
Hello, Elle,
After a course inspection at Fakenham, racing is ON!
There were some frozen parts of the course, but the frost has come out of the ground now, and the stewards are happy with the course.
So...Go, Victoria!
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19th February 2016, 11:34
Hello Elle, Rosalind and Rusty,

Thanks for explaining the expression 'soft play' to me - never heard it mentioned before; I gather there are similar centres here, albeit I have never been to one - no grand-kids of my own.

People who dump their rubbish just about anywhere should be fined if only one could catch them!

Just back from my Friday Market stroll - not too busy this week since quite a few traders are on holiday; pleasant nonetheless since there was a young chap playing accordeon - France's all time favourite instrument - as well as pancakes being sold on another stand.
The profit from the pancake is to go towards helping an Iraki refugee family settle in the village; so all in a good cause.

Weather fresh and fairly bright.

Hope Victoria makes it Rusty, and enjoy your bacon roll!
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19th February 2016, 15:01
Hello, Pigale!
Rubbish dumpers are a blight on a civilised society!
At one time there were many accordion bands in Scotland.
Especially for country dancing.
I hope your refugee family is settling in well in your village.
We have some too, but there is no news on how they are doing. Everything is being done to protect their privacy and help them settle.
My bacon roll was fine!
Yes, fingers crossed for Victoria!
6249 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th February 2016, 16:53
Hi, Rusty!
We are home again, having a had a really great day out! (although we did get rained upon at one stage!)
How was your outing at the Pine Cone with the girls, and your friends from Norn Iron?
Are these the same friends who previously came to stay a little while ago?
So how did she do? Short odds.......and odds on.......... have me lost?
I trust all went well at Fakenham - and that she finished the course? Dare I ask if she won, as expected?
I do hope so!
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