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17th February 2016, 18:14
Hello, Elle!
Yes, it could be Manston.
I remember in the past thinking the name sounded like a beer.
Marston's Pedigree, which is very nice!
I, in my geographic ignorance, associated the Isle of Thanet with Hampshire. No idea why, they just seemed to go together!
Yes, sad about Faugheen, not about my bet, but me and thousands like me were looking forward to seeing a great horse coming back to defend his title.
Be a bit sad in Willie Mullins stables this evening.
I saw Ruby being interviewed at Punchestown today, and he is quite down about it.
Hope your husband and you manage the boys OK!
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17th February 2016, 19:24
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, the boys are not any trouble! They have just had baths and are ready now for bed.
Downstairs again in their pyjamas!
We shall read stories and then they are allowed to read in bed to themselves for half an hour before they put the light out.
We shall then have our dinner........and then I must wash my hair.....
Pouring down now........still, we had good weather during the daylight hours.......
It has been a nice day!
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17th February 2016, 19:50
Hello, Elle,
This reading stories etc sounds very old-fashioned in this modern age!
I am all in favour of it.
Much better than television!
I have been browsing on eBay and have treated myself to another Chambers for my bedside bookcase.
The one I have there is falling to bits.
From World of Books, "very good condition", it is the 2006 edition, hardback, cost is £4.09p inc p &p.
Seems good value?
So, a Chambers and a Bradfords in living room and bedroom.
A bit over the top?
I may have to start doing another crossword to get full use of them!
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17th February 2016, 22:27
Hi, Rusty!
I have always read stories to my own children and they in turn have carried on the tradition by reading to theirs.
And both the elder boys enjoy reading to themselves, too. The seven year old is at present reading his way through the Harry Potter books (not my "cup of tea" but he is loving them!) and when you see how many pages are in each is good that the art of reading is still cherished in some families!
The Chambers you have just ordered from World of Books sounds an excellent bargain! (and you can be assured it will come well packaged from W of B!)
Of course it's not OTT if it gives you pleasure!
Daughter not back yet.......must be having a good time - she went out at 6.30 pm!
Very dreich here......
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18th February 2016, 12:05
Good afternoon, Elle!
Fine day here.
Yes, I am quietly confident in World of Books.
Reading is a great thing to do, I agree.
I hope your daughter is home by now!
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18th February 2016, 15:10
Good afternoon, Rusty!
A beautiful day here, too, and milder ( a little ) than of late.
We have been out is almost spring like!
Daughter came home about 12.30 last night, and then we sat up talking for a while!
They have just popped over now to see one of eldest grandson's friends.
Did you notice my deliberate mistake when I referred in my last post to my grandson as being 7 years old?
He is, of course, 8!
What have you been doing today?
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18th February 2016, 16:19
Hello, Elle!
Same here. Nice day.
It is very easy to get grandchildren's ages wrong.
I am an expert at it.
Been trying to get hold of a "Man and a Van"
Think I have succeeded.
Expecting a phone call later.

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18th February 2016, 17:01
Do yours play Top trumps? I am rather tired of the dinosaur one. I took them to a supposedly "Wild Side"bakery session at a garden centre today- they made 1 biscuit each! And decorated 2 cupcakes as bugs. The lady doing it had clearly been told she had to, and didn't either like children or have much idea of making it fun. To my surprise, both children enjoyed the colouring in and the soft play provided afterwards more than the cooking. The cakes were actually quite nice.
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18th February 2016, 17:17
Good afternoon, Rusty!
All home again now!
We seem to be on a merry-go round of meal-times! One passes....... then another comes around.......
.........and I'm pretty certain the boys must have hollow legs......(where did that saying come from?)........not to mention "eating out of house and home"?
I shall need to get their tea soon!
I didn't realise that you still needed a "man and a van"? I thought your son had dealt with everything for you the other day.
You must have been accumulating things for years?
I myself am reluctant to throw something away in case I might find a need for it at a later date; whereas - if it isn't nailed down - my husband will recycle it usually by taking it to the charity shop while my back is turned! He is a menace like that!
Anyway, better go and see what the troops want to eat......I have the adults' food organised - we are having curry later after the boys are in bed!

Hello, Ros!
I personally don't know the game "Top Trumps"? but have just asked my daughter and she says, yes, they do have it at home!
Firm favourites at the moment are the board game "Sorry" , and the card game "Happy Families" (hey, I won the latter this morning!)
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18th February 2016, 22:06
Hello, Elle!
Just a couple of big things for the skip.
Will try tomorrow again.
One lad has proved to be unreliable and I cannot be doing with that.
Big day for Victoria tomorrow.
Her first ride under NH rules.
The bookies have her as a hot favourite to win.
I notice the race is sponsored.
The 'Switching Saddles' Hunter Chase!
I am fairly sure it is on At The Races channel.
Going to be very interesting!
6240 of 30765  -   Report This Post