Good afternoon, Rusty!
All home again now!
We seem to be on a merry-go round of meal-times! One passes....... then another comes around.......
.........and I'm pretty certain the boys must have hollow legs......(where did that saying come from?)........not to mention "eating out of house and home"?
I shall need to get their tea soon!
I didn't realise that you still needed a "man and a van"? I thought your son had dealt with everything for you the other day.
You must have been accumulating things for years?
I myself am reluctant to throw something away in case I might find a need for it at a later date; whereas - if it isn't nailed down - my husband will recycle it usually by taking it to the charity shop while my back is turned! He is a menace like that!
Anyway, better go and see what the troops want to eat......I have the adults' food organised - we are having curry later after the boys are in bed!
Hello, Ros!
I personally don't know the game "Top Trumps"? but have just asked my daughter and she says, yes, they do have it at home!
Firm favourites at the moment are the board game "Sorry" , and the card game "Happy Families" (hey, I won the latter this morning!)