Good evening, Rusty!
I think "dandyhorse" is a great name! I wonder if these modern day "balance bikes" are called that? although presumably Ros would have known that and told us?
We shall ask her!
Yes, I have seen a few children using them - usually small ones who perhaps would not yet be able to turn the pedals on a more traditional bike. The structure seems always to be made of wood ?
The child propels the "bike" with his / her feet and learns the art of balancing!
There was I thinking it an innovative idea - and it was an old tradition "modified" and "modernised"!
What goes around, comes around.......
Good on your painter! From tomorrow it will be all done?
Hi, Ros!
Sorry for the delay in replying........
So are these balance bikes actually called "dandyhorses", do you know?
It's a lovely name - and would honour an old tradition.
Are they always made of wood?