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5th January 2016, 07:11
The programme was quite popular.
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5th January 2016, 10:09
Good morning, Rusty!
How is your car alarm behaving? I hope it wasn't noisy during the night?
Hopefully, the garage mechanic will be able to solve the problem for you.
I looked up "dandyhorse" - of which I had never heard! - in Anne Bradford's Dictionary and it gave "draisene/ draisine"? so I resorted to Chambers to find out what that is....and it gave me "dandyhorse"!
It is a good job that you already knew what it was, or I still wouldn't be any the wiser!
I had a strange coincidence occur the other day..... Monday's QC gave the clue as "Phone somewhere in Alabama" (6). The answer being "Mobile".
Now I had never heard of "Mobile" as a place name......(my poor Geography again!).....but I came across it yesterday evening when reading my Jeffrey Archer book!
Spooky or what !
We are off to the dentist for our check-ups soon - I had completely forgotten about the appointment until I was organising my new wall calendar last night!
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5th January 2016, 11:19
Good morning, Elle!
Still wild and wet here!
Alarm OK up to now.
I did go to see my man at garage. He suspects the weather. Maybe the wind moving the car, or blowing through the air intakes.
I have a list of things to try one at a time.
May take a wee while to resolve.
I think a dandyhorse is a relation of hobby-horse.
When I saw Dandyhorse in the channel programme, the meaning came back to me.
I knew Mobile was in Alabama.
And I think we have discussed Newport News.
My next door neighbour has the joiners in.
She is getting a new front door!
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5th January 2016, 13:48
Hi, Rusty!
A lovely morning, but clouding over and looking very much like rain now.
We have survived the dentist - a clean bill of health, fortunately no treatment needed!
I think these small bikes with no pedals and no brakes, that one sees very small children using, must work on the principle of "dandy horses"? I had no idea of the term until you told me.
I believe they are thought to aid balance before the child graduates to a larger bike with pedals and brakes?
All my grandsons went straight to 'ordinary' bikes with pedals though - although they used stabilisers initially.
Is your neighbour going to use the same joiner who made your door?
And has the painter given you a date for his coming?
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5th January 2016, 14:28
Hi Elle

Yes, they're called balance bikes. My granddaughter had one for Christmas, she only 2 and she loves it
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5th January 2016, 16:36
Hello, Elle!
Rain hammering down.
My joiner is inundated with orders for Arks!
I did not know about the "balance bikes".
Is dandyhorse not a nicer name?
My neighbour had two lads fitting her door earlier. (Looks good)
She has her own joiner. He has done an awful lot of jobs for her.
My painter phoned and said he would be " there in twenty minutes. Is that fine?" I agreed, and put the kettle on.
So, he rubbed down the door and undercoated it.
He is back tomorrow to gloss it. He tells me he his very busy (a busy tradesman is a good sign). I may find other jobs for him.
Must have a wee think!
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5th January 2016, 19:02
Good evening, Rusty!
I think "dandyhorse" is a great name! I wonder if these modern day "balance bikes" are called that? although presumably Ros would have known that and told us?
We shall ask her!
Yes, I have seen a few children using them - usually small ones who perhaps would not yet be able to turn the pedals on a more traditional bike. The structure seems always to be made of wood ?
The child propels the "bike" with his / her feet and learns the art of balancing!
There was I thinking it an innovative idea - and it was an old tradition "modified" and "modernised"!
What goes around, comes around.......
Good on your painter! From tomorrow it will be all done?

Hi, Ros!
Sorry for the delay in replying........
So are these balance bikes actually called "dandyhorses", do you know?
It's a lovely name - and would honour an old tradition.
Are they always made of wood?

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5th January 2016, 19:10
No, not always made of wood, though hers is (and pink). her brother's just looks like an ordinary 2 wheeler without pedals.

You should see the scooter I got him- it has brakes!

The children just refer to their balance bikes as "bikes". I don't think that could be changed
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5th January 2016, 19:41
Hello, Elle!
I have been exploring.
There is a bike shop/café in Norwich called Dandy Horse!
It is incredible that the dandyhorse has came back into use after God knows how many years!
Welcome back!
My door may be finished tomorrow unless the painter thinks it would be better with another coat. We shall see.
The paints he uses have very little smell.
One Londonism in The Times today, but in fairness to Mr Rogan, another answer was Elgin. Many years since I was at Elgin. I remember a pub called the Two Red Shoes up there.
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5th January 2016, 20:32
Hi, Rusty!
The next time we go on holiday to Pakefield, in Suffolk, we shall have to go over to Norwich ( in the next county, but not very far, perhaps about 25 miles?) and search for the "Dandy Horse" cafe cum bike shop!
It will be an expedition!
What was your "Londonism" in today's Times 15 x15 - would I know it, I wonder?
(There weren't any such clues in the QC today)
Is Elgin in Scotland then? The only 'Elgin' reference that I know are the Elgin marbles!
Still wet here - the rain came down heavily this afternoon - in fact, it started soon after we got home from the dentist.
I think it is forecast for the rest of the week. Certainly, our barometer is showing bad weather.
Colder, too.
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