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4th January 2016, 16:16
Rusty and Elle...
'Appy ter 'ear ya 'ad nah problems wif those 'orrible danny la rues. Nuffin' loike a Robin Hood crossword danny la rue ter start yer chuffin' day.

(PS , The clues weren't that horrible, but I was struggling for words beginning with H).
5291 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th January 2016, 16:45
Hello, Malone!
I got "danny la rue" straightaway, but "robin hood" took me a while!
I had to look up "chuffin"......and then I wished that I hadn't!
It wasn' t in Chambers or Oxford Concise, so I looked online - it seems to range from a quite innocuous meaning of "good or great" to some rather rude versions., which I shall not repeat.
I'm assuming though that you expected it to mean "great".
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4th January 2016, 16:48
Hi, Rusty!
Fell dreich!
Dog and I have had a little play in the garden, though, in between downpours. We no longer have "grass", just "mud"! and "churned up" mud, at that!
Perhaps I am being too critical of RR? I take your point that crosswords must be compiled well in advance of publication - I hadn't considered that.
We shall see........
"Trigger and Plonker"? another gap in my education for you to fill.......
I've given up on tidying.......reading another "old" Jeffrey Archer.........I do like him......
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4th January 2016, 16:50
Elle, I used an online translation service for my post - who would have thought such a site existed? My original message was definitely 'good', rather than anything stronger or ruder!
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4th January 2016, 16:53
A translation service, Malone?
I thought you were on the cratur!
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4th January 2016, 16:54
Don't worry about it, Malone! I was sure that would be what you had in mind.
I'm just a little taken aback by the ( unwanted) education I have just unexpectedly received!
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4th January 2016, 17:05
Hello, Elle!
You must have heard of Trigger and Plonker?
They were in a BBC show whose name escapes me.
Light hearted and very funny.
You know I have many heroes in the sporting world but, Trigger was a TV hero. I used to be in kinks laughing at him.
No, you are perfectly OK to criticise Mr Rogan.
I am not supporting him, just saying these crosswords will have been set some time ago.
Talking of old books.
I took delivery today of a book which may help me when I get a cockney clue.
It is called Murderers' London, by Ivan Butler.
Covers every part of London and will help my knowledge of that great city. Mr Rogan will be very proud of me!
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4th January 2016, 17:43
The floods up here causing more damage.
Abergeldie Castle is on the verge of collapsing into the River Dee due to floods eroding the river bank.
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4th January 2016, 18:49
Hi, Rusty!
Your new book sounds as though it will be very helpful to you - you will beat RR at his own game yet!
You would also enjoy discovering London by virtue of the daily walking tours that take place there.
These are called " London Walks" and are very informative.
My friend Sue and I have been on a few - and they are excellent value!
Try this link
I hope it works!
I went to one at the British Museum - we "did" the Egyptian Room - brilliant!
I've looked at the pictures of Abergeldie Castle - it is near Balmoral , is it not? - and it looks almost to be teetering into the river.
Such a pity.
5299 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th January 2016, 19:09
Trigger was in "Only fools and horses". Plonker was too; however he had a given name - "Rodney, you plonker!"
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