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6th January 2016, 14:58
Hello, Elle!
My door is finished!
The red looks good with the brass door furniture.
There will be a giggle of granddaughters coming to cast an eye over it in the next day or two!
I have more jobs for the painter in the future.
Best not say on a public forum how I have fixed the alarm.
It was "step 2", on the list, though!
But, it is not going off randomly, that is the main thing.
I think "eye sacks" works OK.
But we all have different accents and ways of speaking.
Sometimes you have to think!
I have not looked at my paper yet, never mind attempting the crossword!
5331 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th January 2016, 16:45
Hi, Rusty!
Right, I am downing tools and not doing anything else for the rest of the day!
Enough is enough! (a strange expression - where did that come from?)
I am so glad that you are pleased with your door! and it will match your car!
Does the collective noun a "giggle" of granddaughters really exist? or have you just coined a new expression?
I like it though! Very descriptive!
We haven't been out again today - the afternoon just ran away with me.........the dog has been very tolerant and has accepted the garden as a substitute for her usual walk!
I've still got the Times 2 crossword to do.....have you had a chance to do the 15 x15?
I don't have that one.
Back to the usual routine as from tomorrow...."Ladies who Lunch". Catch up time after the Christmas and New Year break.
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6th January 2016, 17:15
Hello, Elle!
Enough is enough? No idea!
But the language is wonderful, I think.
"Slings and arrows" is still in use and there has not been a sling or arrow fired in anger for centuries!
No, the "giggle" of granddaughters is my own expression and it certainly fits my gang.
Should I suggest it to Anne Bradford, d'ye think?
Yes, I have finished my crossword.
I have a man coming in the morning to measure up my bedroom for window blinds. The painter is going to decorate it.
All go, up here, you know, Elle!
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6th January 2016, 18:44
Hi, Rusty!
I've just been watching Eggheads. I enjoy this programme, as I like trying to answer the questions!
Tonight there were questions about Katie Melua (as you know, one of my favourite singers!) which Kevin answered correctly; and Isadora Duncan.
We were talking about Isadora recently, weren't we? I enjoyed the film where Vanessa Redgrave played her.
You are pulling out all the stops with your painting and decorating!
Your painter will be busy!
So your bedroom is next on your agenda......any idea as to colour scheme?
We need new carpets in the lounge, and on the stairs and both landings.
It's a daunting prospect though - a lot of furniture in the lounge (a large room) will require moving.
That is putting us off.......
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6th January 2016, 19:06
Hello, Elle.I did not know there was a film about Isadora.
I have told my painter to keep it simple, give me good advice, and that is all. I have pretty much left everything up to him.
He will buy paper and paints etc. I'll probably leave colours and stuff to him. He is the pro!
Speak to whoever is going to supply your carpeting and tell them you will need them to move furniture.
There are always solutions, Elle.
Grasp the nettle by the scruff of the neck and make enquiries!
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6th January 2016, 20:22
Hi, Rusty!
Our major problem is the bookshelves that we have around two walls. They are massive ones, filling three alcoves on one wall, and all along the shorter wall; standing six and a half feet tall, and filled with books two deep!
The text books especially are very heavy.
Last time we re-carpeted, we put all the books in cardboard boxes, but this is definitely something that we cannot face again.
I am wondering about leaving the shelves in situ and carpeting around them? but am not sure how practical this would would mean narrow strips of carpeting between the sides of the shelves and the alcove walls.......we would have to see what advice the carpet fitters offered in this respect.
The piano is also a problem.....the sofa and chairs can be moved but only from one end of the room to the other. We cannot empty the room.
The carpet shop staff want the room to be completely cleared - a joke because there is nowhere else to put the furniture! it couldn't all go in the hall....
We persuaded them previously to do the room one half at a time, but it's not an easy option.
Oh well...... I shall think about it some more.....but I do want it done by the Spring.
You are very trusting if you are leaving it to your decorator to choose your colour scheme and wallpaper pattern for you? Suppose you do not like his choice? Could you not at least decide upon a shade that you know you would like?
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6th January 2016, 20:41
Hello, Elle!
Why not hire a handyman for a day to move stuff?
Do you have a local Trusted Traders organisation?
That would be a good starting point.
I am not too fussy.
The painter says the ceiling and skirtings will be white and I can pick a colour for the walls. They are being papered and emulsioned. First though, the room will be stripped of paper etc and the prep work done. May even move out while it is getting done.
A wee adventure!
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6th January 2016, 21:56
Hi, Rusty!
Would that one could wave a wand, shout "Abracadabra", and all would be accomplished without further aggro.......!
I am wondering whether to go shopping tomorrow before "Ladies Who Lunch"......
It is both my youngest grandson's and my granddaughter's birthdays mid- month (only two days apart) and I might buy their presents in the Sales - thus more for the money.
Usually, for birthdays I buy clothes for them. As both are tall, it is inevitably several sizes larger than for their age.
A good idea, I think? I'll see what I feel like in the morning.
Early rain forecast tomorrow , then sunshine!
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6th January 2016, 22:31
Hello, Elle!
Lucky you with your prospect of sunshine.
I have a 48 mph wind howling just now, and rain.
I would get your grandchildren a beachball instead of clothes.
They will probably have plenty of clothes anyway.
I hope you enjoy "Lunch with the Ladies" tomorrow, and watch out for the Bromley Tearaways!
Now where did "tearaways" come from?
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6th January 2016, 23:23
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, but the prospect of sunshine comes at the wrong time for the early walk!
The grandkids do not need more toys - believe me, they have plenty! - especially with birthdays coming so close after Christmas.
(And they do get toys as gifts from the friends who are invited to their birthday bashes.)
It helps their parents with expenses if we buy them presents for Christmas, but clothes / shoes for birthdays.
I go with the flow - I ask what is needed and buy that!
Bedtime...... I'm tired......sleep well!
5340 of 30765  -   Report This Post