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3rd January 2016, 14:09
Hello, Elle.
Excuse me while I rant!
Jeans are the worst things on God's holy earth to wear for walking, especially in the rain. Trousers are much more comfortable and practical.
I detest jeans with a vengeance!

That's better!
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3rd January 2016, 14:50
Hi, Rusty!
Rant duly listened to.......BUT
I can remember us - and others! - having this conversation about jeans before!
It got quite heated, as I recall, with a lot of the females (who wore their jeans) getting quite cross with the menfolk (who didn't) ! wear your trousers........and I'll wear my jeans!

But to change the subject and therefore not argue....
Is it me or is the Everyman more difficult than usual this week? - have you looked at it? - or maybe I'm more tired than usual? (my brain exhausted by all these board games / card games/ I've been playing non -stop with the boys?)
I'm about halfway through the xword and unusually struggling.....
5272 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd January 2016, 14:56
Hello, Elle!
Jeans rings a bell!
I would not wear them if I was paid to.

I not not know Everyman?
I do not read Sunday paper.
Which paper is it in?
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3rd January 2016, 15:06
Hi, Rusty!
We will not mention the "j" word again as it proving a bone of contention.....!

The "Everyman " is in The Guardian.
I access it online.......
Try this
Hope it works!
5274 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd January 2016, 18:47
Hey, Rusty!
I have had a good sleep!
The phone woke me up - daughter ringing to say she and eldest grandson had arrived home safely!
I have since changed the beds - stuck the dirty washing in the w/
machine - and tidied both the bedrooms.
AND finished the Everyman crossword - it wasn't difficult after all! - I just needed a sleep first to be able to kick brain into gear!
Now to plan dinner.......actually, I think it will be a conglomeration
(?spelling) of leftovers.....
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3rd January 2016, 18:52
otherwise known as 'If It's' = If it's in the fridge we'll eat it.
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3rd January 2016, 19:02
Exactly, Pigale!
(and what we don't eat, our foxes can dine upon, later!)
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3rd January 2016, 19:31
Hello, Elle!
You are full of go today!
My rain is coming down in buckets and the wind is howling.
I have never done Everyman.
I know where I am with The Times crossword.
I made carrot and bacon soup for my tea.
Leftovers does not look right?
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3rd January 2016, 20:59
Hi, Rusty!
Carrot and bacon soup sounds very appetising!
We have some homemade sprout soup - I love sprouts!
Yes, I have been very busy (that nap worked wonders!) and now have only the Christmas tree and decorations to take down sometime before Twelfth Night, which I think is Wednesday.
My plan though is to do it tomorrow.
My cousin should be phoning very soon ( 9 o'clock) for our hour-long weekly chat. I shall get an update on their potential flood situation. All very worrying for them.
Luckily, we are so far okay here.
Although British Gas seems set on doing their bit in the area by all accounts!
Glad that leak wasn't near us!
Could you just see us see us wondering about in the small hours, carrying cat under one arm, holding onto the dog's lead and carrying the goldfish bowl?

5279 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd January 2016, 21:59
Hello, Elle!
I put lentils in the soup, too.
Lentils are good for me.
Hope your cousin is fine.
Rain has never stopped here today.
Winds of 50 mph.
No buses getting over the road bridge.
Not pleasant.
My Christmas tree has been down for days.
If it gets any wetter here, I expect to see Barnacle Bill the Sailor passing my window!
5280 of 30765  -   Report This Post