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7th January 2016, 14:04
Good afternoon, Elle!
Hope you and the "ladies" avoided the hooligans!
My rain is heavier than ever.
That is very thoughtful regarding presents for the young ones.
"Onesies" are all the rage now.
Have you heard of them?
I am getting "Memphis Beige" blackout window blinds.
The lad was here earlier measuring up etc.
Crossword completed, if it was less wet I would head out,
but shall give it a miss.
Poor postie was soaken again!
5341 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2016, 15:13
Hi Rusty

Some of my family wore onesies on Christmas Day. I think they are the most unflattering garments ever invented. If someone cooks Christmas Dinner for me, I am going to be wearing a dress, or a long skirt with a nice top. And heels, and a moderate amount of bling.

I have spent the day so far immersed in Scottish lowland and Border history, as usual. I love going to the Bodleian, finding the books left out for me and settling down to a long read in a beautiful and historical place. So little is left of the old farm steadings (talking about the mid eighteenth century, before the "improvements" that drove my family to England). I have found there is a plan of the very farm where they lived, from 1774. The National Records of Scotland people want £15 just to estimate how much a photocopy will cost me. I quake, because I have to have it.

Blackout blinds are excellent.
5342 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2016, 15:45
Hello, Rosalind!
For myself. I would give the onesies a miss, and the heels and bling.
I like to be comfy, though!
Your research sounds extremely interesting.
I have heard of the Bodleian Library.
Is that at Oxford?
That is a dreadful amount of money these Records folk want!
Is there no other/cheaper way to get a copy of the plan?
Glad to hear that about the blinds.
The lad doing them started up on his own just over a year ago and has already done blinds for me on another room. which I am very happy with..
I'd rather spend my money with a local tradesman than one of the big National outfits.
5343 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2016, 16:42
Hi Rusty
I suppose if I knew someone who lives in Edinburgh I could ask them, or my Scottish genealogist, but I would pay her so it wouldn't be cheaper. If I went myself, I believe I could look but not copy. I suppose I shouldn't complain because the records must cost a lot to house and look after, and many will never be taken down from the shelves. We shall see what the estimate plus postage is.
The Bod is in Oxford, yes, one of the copyright libraries. I am sure the book I consulted today has never even been opened before. 2 x A3 copies cost 18p!
Think you may be right to avoid heels and bling ;-0
5344 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2016, 16:43
Hi, Rusty!
My day started out very wet! A not very pleasant poggy walk resulting in an extremely muddy dog!
It got worse in that we then had absolutely torrential downpours, and so I didn't go shopping, after all, as I would have been soaked!
But my friend and I did brave the elements to meet for lunch. We went to the Toby Carvery, and enjoyed a delicious roast meal.
She came back here with me afterwards and we have since been setting the world to rights!
I have heard of "onesies"! My kids used to wear them for bed when little.
Although I don't think they were called that then.
But I am told that adults wear them now? My elder daughter has one that she lounges about in, indoors. But she tells me that some mothers take their children to school, whilst wearing them.
Seems weird to me......I only hope they don't walk there!
"Memphis Beige" sounds good for your blinds - do you have curtains, too? - or just the blackout blinds?
What have you been up to today - apart from finishing your crossword? (I have yet to look at mine)
5345 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2016, 16:50
Am I reading this right? The records folk want paying just to give you an estimate of cost to have a photocopy taken?
What's that expression - "money for old rope"?!
Where would this take place? If anywhere near my family, I could ask my cousin if you like? she might be able to do it for you?
5346 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2016, 17:05
Hello, Elle,
Your lunch sounds nice.
I have thought of curtains, but will wait to see how the blinds are.
Just stayed home all day. Horrible weather to be going anywhere.
I think onesies are the modern equivalent of shell suits.
Best avoided.
5347 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2016, 17:19
Hi, Rusty!
Am I dating myself too much by admitting to once having had a shell suit?
Very comfortable it was, too, so it was!
I shall have to rethink my plans for buying the grandkids' birthday presents - maybe I can meet up with my younger daughter at the weekend to go shopping then....we shall see!
Now that it has gone dark and there is no longer any wish or need to go out...........the rain has stopped!
Do you still have heavy winds? What are the restrictions on the Road Bridge?
5348 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2016, 17:23
Hi everyone,

I have just heard that there was a 'terrorist type' of attack outside a Police Station in the 18th arrondissement of Paris (an area where there are a lot of Muslim people living). No one hurt except the one guy himself, and in fact he was not much threat as he only pretended to have a belt full of dynamite.

It is almost as though he wanted to be killed, but he had the daech flag and a piece of paper full of stuff written in Arabic. It is no more than a reminder that still are still dodgy, but more importantly, today is the anniversary of Charlie Hebdo's attack last year. Whether that was his reason, I don't know.
5349 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th January 2016, 20:45
Hello, Elle!
No restrictions on bridge. Traffic running normally.
Wind has died down and the rain is easing.
Shell suits nowadays would be a bit of a chuckle but a few years ago were very popular.
Get the young ones a beachball. Doggie wil like it too!

Hello, Pigale,
Hope you are grand!
Yes, I do not think the gendarmes had much choice other than kill the man who threatened them.
It is the times we live in.
5350 of 30765  -   Report This Post