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7th January 2016, 21:12
Hi, Rusty!
You remember talking about "Trigger" the other day?
I switched on the TV tonight in readiness for watching "Eggheads" and caught a bit of a quiz programme on BBC1.
The questions were about famous "Rogers".
One question was 'Which Roger played "Trigger" in "Only Fools and Horses"?'
The answer was Roger Lloyd Pack.
How about that for a coincidence?
I'd never heard of the character, and there I was, hearing of him twice within a few days!
I am meeting my daughter on Sunday to go shopping for the grandkids' birthday presents - she has decided that would like him to have clothes, as he is fast growing out of all his present ones. He is very tall for his age.
And I think I shall buy a dress for my granddaughter, or maybe a skirt and top.
We might co-ordinate outfits between the two of us!

I've been reading about the incident....a strange matter..... the particular report I read is making it sound as though there may be some connection to Charlie Hebdo...who knows what goes through a possible terrorist's mind?
I saw pictures of a robot checking the body...what times we live in.
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7th January 2016, 21:13
Hi Elle
Thank you, but I have paid the £15. They take this off the price if I order!
I just hope the photocopies are useful

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7th January 2016, 21:51
Hello, Elle!
That is a coincidence!
You should pop on to YouTube and type in "Trigger's Best Moments" and you will see my hero!
He is called Trigger because they think he looks like an 'orse!
Has a lovely electric blue suit!
Roger, the actor who played Trigger, is dead now.
Your granddaughter and you are going to share clothes?
Is this a Bromley thing?
I have never heard of that before!
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7th January 2016, 22:17
Hello Elle,

The only connection with Charlie Hebdo, as far as I know, is the fact that today is one year to the day that they were attacked;

When I was at Social Security offices today, I was searched and there was a fair Police presence - now this is only a smallish town!
And to me, today's incident almost sounds as a warning, meaning 'whatever your security and controls, we can still get through and get to you'

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7th January 2016, 22:31
Hi, Rusty!
No, I meant that daughter and I might buy clothes for my granddaughter / her niece between us and thus provide a set of clothes that granddaughter could mix and match!
Is that making sense now?
I shall look up "Trigger" on YouTube tomorrow! but I do know who Roger Lloyd Pack is - even if I don't know the character he played in "Only Fools and Horses.
He was also in "The Vicar of Dibley" - I only saw the odd episode but I do remember his being in the series.
Right, time for a cup of coffee......I am greatly enjoying this coffee machine - a Tassimo - that our daughter bought us for Christmas!
It makes fantastic coffee!
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7th January 2016, 23:13
Hello, Elle!
Ah, yes, that is very sensible!
I have never watched Vicar of Dibley.
Now, Elle, what is so wonderful about your coffee machine?
I drink plain old Nescafe. Fine for me. But I am open to trying new things. I do not like supermarket own brand coffee though.
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8th January 2016, 08:35
Good morning, Elle!
Great news! Our rain has stopped at long last!
Too late for the River Don, though, which burst it's banks overnight. So, more roads and schools closed, etc.
Hard frost though, temp at 0°C outside, just now.
A very welcome change!
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8th January 2016, 10:15
Good Morning, Rusty!
It is good that your rain has stopped! Do you have a nice day?
We have a beautiful day here, lovely sunshine, but bitterly cold by contrast with yesterday's temperature. Only 3C. Frost on the cars and rooftops.
I like it! A very enjoyable invigorating walk! with a great cup of coffee on arrival home........
Ah yes...our new coffee machine! I have always spurned having such equipment, being happy to spoon out my instant Nescafe Blend 37 and add my boiling water!
But I love the coffee produced by this Tassimo machine!
Americano - quite strong and bitter , drunk black just how I like it!
I wouldn't be without the "new-fangled contraption" now!
(and so easy to use!)
Have you been out in Miss L-B's new car yet?

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8th January 2016, 11:45
Hello, Elle!
It is a beautiful day here. No wind, blue sky.
Only down side is there are patches of black ice on the roads.
But, I'll take that over incessant wind and rain.
Your weather, temp etc sounds the same as ours.
No trip with La Bamba so far.
Has not been the weather for it, and I have been involved with joiners, painters, and blinds fitters.
Every morning I text her the weather conditions and if there are any problems on the roads. I don't like the sound of your Americano!
I had a great pal of mine who was a priest and his housekeeper (not Mrs Doyle !) had a machine in the kitchen and there was always hot coffee from it.
It would have a name but I have no idea what it was called.
I have a Times Jumbo Cryptic Crossword Book which I bought a few years ago. I have not started on it yet. And, guess?
There are around ten different setters in it, one of whom is Richard Rogan! Only thing is, I don't know which ones he set!
"At the drop of a hat". Where did that come from?!!
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8th January 2016, 13:11
Hi, Rusty!
Now, regarding our coffee isn't one where the coffee is always brewing..... you put a fresh single sachet in to the top of the machine each time you want a cup, and it is then pierced and the coffee made fresh each time.
I would never have said in advance that I would welcome such an appliance, but, in reality, I love it!
I know the expression "at the drop of a hat" and its origin! I can't remember the circumstances but I had occasion to look this up fairly recently ......since I had my "new" Brewers, in fact.
The expression refers to the US frontier practice of dropping a hat as a signal for a fight to begin.
And these days, races are often started by the downward sweep of a hat!
There, my titbit of information for today!
Maybe you will be able to tell RR's contribution to your Crossword book by his "Londonisms"?!
Our lovely weather is fast deteriorating....very cloudy , looks like rain - and oh, so cold!
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