Hello, Elle!
It is a beautiful day here. No wind, blue sky.
Only down side is there are patches of black ice on the roads.
But, I'll take that over incessant wind and rain.
Your weather, temp etc sounds the same as ours.
No trip with La Bamba so far.
Has not been the weather for it, and I have been involved with joiners, painters, and blinds fitters.
Every morning I text her the weather conditions and if there are any problems on the roads. I don't like the sound of your Americano!
I had a great pal of mine who was a priest and his housekeeper (not Mrs Doyle !) had a machine in the kitchen and there was always hot coffee from it.
It would have a name but I have no idea what it was called.
I have a Times Jumbo Cryptic Crossword Book which I bought a few years ago. I have not started on it yet. And, guess?
There are around ten different setters in it, one of whom is Richard Rogan! Only thing is, I don't know which ones he set!
"At the drop of a hat". Where did that come from?!!