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4th January 2016, 21:25
I've obviously heard of "Only Fools and Horses" - Del boy Trotter and Rodney - but I've never actually watched it.
Not sure why...just one of those things.....
5301 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th January 2016, 21:37
Actually, elle, I watched the first episode and decided that I didn't like it (not unassociated with the fact that we were living next door to Peckham at the time). I never watched it again, but some threads have crept into everyday usage.

(In general, I can't stand "comedy of embarrassment", as I might term it.)
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4th January 2016, 21:49
I liked it, but I think it was because of Trigger.
I can relate to Trigger!
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4th January 2016, 21:54
So who or what was "Trigger"?
The only Trigger" I have ever heard about was Roy Roger's horse!
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4th January 2016, 22:00
He was an old codger, elle - I can't think what rusty means about "relating to him" :)
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4th January 2016, 22:11
Rusty, did you look at the link I sent you on post 5299 about the London Walks?
It does work, I've just tried it!
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4th January 2016, 22:40
Hello, Elle,
No, I have been trying to solve a mystery here.
My car alarm is sounding every now and then and I do not know why.
Something is triggering it. Wondered if it was a moth or something like that, but cannot see anything.
Been OK the last two hours though.
Will leave the London walks for the moment.

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4th January 2016, 22:52
Hello, Elle,
The programme was quite popular.
Trigger was a dim-witted street sweeper in it.
An unconscious comedian. Made me chuckle!
Unfortunately the actor who played Trigger died two years ago.
I am very fussy what I watch on TV.
When my granddaughters were younger, we watched "Two of a Kind", with MaryKate and Ashley Olsen(twins).
It was on the Pop Girl channel!
Was the highlight of my week!
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4th January 2016, 23:14
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, you mentioned earlier that the car alarm kept sounding.
It can be very embarrassing, can't it, if this continues for a long time as it might annoy your neighbours as well as yourself!
We ended up having to disconnect the car battery for the night, when this happened to us with the Renault!
Reconnecting it in the morning seemed to solve the problem as it didn't happen again! Not that I am suggesting this as a remedy.
I wouldn't know what you should do!

No problem about the London Walks - they aren't important......I just thought you might like to have a quick shifty to see what is available.
There might be some interesting nuggets of information!

I don't know that TV series about the twins - but there was a very good film called "The Parent Trap" where the "twins" in that were both played by Hayley Mills.
It was very good. Did you see that?
(You may well have done so - because Maureen O'Hara was in it!!!!)
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5th January 2016, 00:18
Hello, Elle!
The alarm appears to be behaving, touch wood.
I will pop in to to see my garage man to see what he thinks.
I do not think I saw that film.
I noticed today that Sky have added a cycling channel now.
I have had a look. Some great programmes on it, but mainly in Italian. One programme was called something about a "Dandyhorse"
A dandyhorse was an old kind of bike without pedals.
I am going to have a wee look to see if Anne Bradford has the word!
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