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14th December 2015, 08:55
Hi everyone,

Rusty, you must have sent your nice weather to me ! Sunny, very frosty and very cold. Much better.

The Little Drummer Boy (L'enfant au Tambour) was sung in French by Nana Mouskiri; there may have been other version but this is the only one I know - she does/did have a wonderful voice.
4871 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th December 2015, 08:55


14th December 2015, 08:56
Sorry, Nana Mouskouri - finger nails too long.
4873 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th December 2015, 09:06
Don't know how to 'copy' the reference, but try

if it works, you should see a very old version of Nana - it's not good video but the voice is there.
4874 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th December 2015, 09:08


14th December 2015, 09:10
If everything fails, type L'enfant au Tambour - that may be safer since I don't get the video via my link
4876 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th December 2015, 10:06
Good morning, Pigale and Chris,
Nana Mouskouri is superb at it. I watched her last night, Pigale.
Bing is better on his own at it, I think.
Helene Fischer (she is new to me, maybe German?) is very good too.
But I still prefer Boney M.
Rum pum pum pum!
4877 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th December 2015, 15:58
Hi, Rusty!
I am shattered! You are very wise not to go shopping!
And parking the car was a nightmare!!
But I did have a successful trip! I haven't finished it all though - will probably go again on Thursday before I do "Ladies who Lunch".
Wow, you have certainly listened to a lot of versions of "Little Drummer Boy". I think I might stick with Bing.
Funnily enough, almost every shop we went into this morning, were playing Bing - great stuff!
How is the front door coming along?
You forgot the 'pa'.......
Pa rum pum pum pum..........
4878 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th December 2015, 16:36
Hello, Elle!
There is not always a "pa", says he who has watched 83 versions in the last 24 hours. Celtic Woman do a very good version, too.
Well done with the shopping!
I have been making tea for the joiner all day!
He has finished.
I have a new wooden front door and facings, now.
And I have just organised a painter to come and see how we will paint/varnish it, and when.
"Me and my drum"!
4879 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th December 2015, 16:56
Hi, Rusty!
There surely cannot really be 83 versions? You are kidding me? Never even heard of Celtic Woman?
It's catching....I've been listening to a few versions too....I have decided that I prefer a male singer - although Boney M are good (I've always liked them )
I've listened to Johnny Cash and Frank Sinatra - but no one can sing it like Bing ( it's just a pity about David Bowie's contribution; not that he sings badly, I'd just prefer unadulterated "Bing"!)
As I type this, I 'm listening on Utube to Harry Belafonte's "Mary's Boy Child".
Good news about your front door. I'm glad you are pleased with the result.
What was the ultimate verdict on a bell?
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