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12th December 2015, 11:29
Good morning, Rusty!
I have only just come in - running late this morning!
Dreichish ( is there such a modification of the word? ) and mild here.
I bought a paper...........I browsed through it, but also cannot see Rose's column?
Nor can I see any relevant letters in the "Letters to the Editor" either?
Mind you, I didn't give my name and telephone number as requested , so didn't really expect to see my letter published in that section.
I shall look further when I have more time. At the moment, I am playing 'catch up'.........
We have the Christmas tree erected - and the lights are working......all that remains is to be done now is to nail the tree down onto a piece of board (anti- cat action! he is very fond od pulling over our 5 ft tall tree! ) and then decorate it.
I shall hopefully complete that this weekend in between all my other commitments!!
Where is the skiing? Still in Banff?
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12th December 2015, 12:41
Hello, Elle!
Some black ice here now!
"Dreichish" should be a word, if it's not!
Sounds like somewhere on Skye!
Skiing is great! Superb action and wonderful scenery.
Saw Lindsey Vonn earlier. She is the biz!
The women are in Are, Sweden, and the men at Val d'Isere, France.
Eurosport is showing both.
Giant slalom is on now. And I have the racing at Cheltenham to watch.
Willie Mullins has sent two over from Ireland.
Saturdays are all go, with me!
I will have a look for Rose, later.
I thought it was Anne Ashworth who did that column, but maybe that has changed.
Well done on the tree!
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12th December 2015, 13:46
Hi, Rusty!
I have supposedly scoured the paper for a sighting of "Rose", but cannot find her.
The picture shown at the head of the "Opinion" column is that of "Giles Coren". Does that ring any bells?
Maybe the person who does the column varies?
No sign of OUR opinions , anyway!
But I am wondering whether our letters were answered personally by Mr. R, so as to keep them out of the paper? Maybe because it was personal criticism, rather than discussing a random topic?
Just a thought..........?
Hope you are enjoying the Sports programmes!
Going to go out now.... dark and gloomy....rain holding off so far though......
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12th December 2015, 14:13
Hello, Elle!
There are three Opinion pages today, but no sign of Rose.
A mystery!
Giles Coren is a regular correspondent.
No, I think our emails were passed to Mr Rogan because crosswords are his department. He has kindly replied, so there is little if anything Rose can add, I suppose.
I will have a read of the paper later and see if I can see anything.
Lindsey Vonn just won the giant slalom, and one of Willie Mullins horses got pulled up.
Tomorrow is the slalom events, but I am not so keen on them.
Mikaela Shiffrin should just about win, I think.
I hope I am able to fit in the crossword later today!
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12th December 2015, 16:28
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, what a change in the weather from this morning! Decidedly cooler, and so windy! I nearly got blown off my feet on high ground!
Bach home now for the remainder of the day.
Have you managed yet to do your crossword? I've only done two so far......the Jumbo GK and the Times2. I might mange to look at the others later.
I knew there was something else I had to was to check the Times masthead of the daily paper for you, during the week - needless to say, I forgot! Sorry! I will, hopefully, look this next week!
And the other was to pop in to support the Sale of her crafted goods, that one of my neighbours was holding in her home.
That came and went whilst I was out!
(Ah well, saved me some money! I was likely to have bought something even if I didn't really want or need it!)
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12th December 2015, 18:04
Hello, Elle!
Yes, just finished my crossword.
That's it until Monday.
My tube map came, and I cannot find Brentford on it.
I have looked through the paper and no sign of Rose or the feedback column.
There was a good article by the Pedant, Oliver Kamm.
It is about attributive adjectives (no, I have not a clue, either!).
Anyway, he reckons that "size precedes colour"
So, it is "little black book" not "black little book".
I am glad he made that clear. I have often wondered about it.
Pity you missed the crafted goods sale.
Maybe some nice stuff in it and your neighbour would have been pleased to see you.
This is the Christmas night out for the ASDA girls.
Be some hangovers in the morning!
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12th December 2015, 19:51
Hi, Rusty!
I'm glad you managed to find the time to do your crossword!
There was another clue about Cumbria's huntsman in yesterday's Times QC!
Now Brentford doesn't have a tube station, so won't be shown on your Tube map.
You could of course find it in your Atlas.......Brentford lies a little to the south-west of Hammersmith.
But you CAN find Hammersmith on your Tube map - at the end of the ( pink) Hammersmith and City line.
(If your Tube map format is the same as mine, it will be in square D3)
Have a look and see!
See if you can find Hampstead for when you go to see Lyn MacD?
Trust me, the Tube makes traveling about London and suburbs so simple!
I must look up that article on adjectives.
I think "Casualty" is on earlier tonight, I will check......

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12th December 2015, 22:21
Hello, Elle!
Zero degrees here. Winter is coming!
I was checking Mr Rogan's theory, about all the names on tube map. No Brentford? I'll just leave it, I think.
I have put the tube map with my Road Atlas.
The Road Atlas is excellent.
I got it in a charity shop in St Andrews a few years ago.
Earlier today, I answered a couple of questions on the forum.
It would not let me answer the second one because I had not been waiting long enough, or something like that.
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12th December 2015, 22:50
Hi, Rusty!
Zero degrees? Brrr.... that's cold! I'd say that Winter is definitely with you!
We have a temperature of about 7C here, although it will probably go down a little more overnight.
Wet and mild supposedly tomorrow.
With regard to answering questions on the forum, Admin have set various restrictions in place because of the spammers, especially the Korean ones.
One of these restrictions is that you cannot post again within one minute.
I've come across it several times. A nuisance, but if it deters spammers, then so be it, I guess we can all put up with it!
Have you got anything nice planned for tomorrow?
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12th December 2015, 23:05
Hello, Elle,
7 C is quite warm!
I understand about spammers.
They are pests.
No plans from my end, but Miss Around the World is visiting in the afternoon with a Christmas card for me.
And make sure joiner has plenty of room on Monday for the new door installation.
I have put a wee bet on Frida Hansdotter to win the slalom at Are tomorrow. Fingers crossed!
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