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13th December 2015, 08:12
Good Morning, Rusty!
Fell dreich today! There is supposed to be a window a little later in the morning when the rain will stop, so at the moment we are holding back on the dog walk!
I hope your weather is better? Has it warmed up any since last night?
So your joiner is coming tomorrow to do your door? What stage is he at with it? Is the door already made now, and just has to be fitted?
It will be good if it is all finished for Christmas!
You will be looking forward to seeing Miss ATW this afternoon!
Our younger daughter is planning on coming over later with our grandson. That will be good!
4851 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2015, 09:02
Good morning, Elle.
Hard frost here. Minus 1 C. Not warm at all!
Yes, you should wait for a break in the weather before you walk.
I only know joiner is coming, nothing more.
Tomorrow will be a surprise! I hope it will be all done and dusted tomorrow.
Then I shall think of the next task!
4852 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2015, 09:42
Morning Rusty, Elle and everyone,

It's not too warm here either: 1C around 7 and heavy fog; even now (almost 11 my time) I can't see the Mairie down town and it's an imposing building, nor can I see some surrounding houses - in fact, I don't suppose I can see more then 150 meters .

Temp now 5C but supposed to have 0c / -C1 tonight. I wish it would settle one way or the other !
4853 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2015, 09:49
Good morning, Pigale!
Swap you rain for fog?
I'm getting tired of becoming wet; and rain = mud= filthy dog!
but it's not cold here, that is one good thing.
I agree with you that it would be good to have a constant never knows what to wear, or how hot to set the c/heating...
Have you got any plans for today or are you staying put whilst it's so foggy?
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13th December 2015, 09:57
Hi Elle,

I always tend to stay put on Sundays - nothing to do anywhere.
I'll keep my fog if you don't mind; it might lift and we might see some sun..... you never know. I hate rain anyway.

I am amusing myself with a 3D cubic puzzle at present : subject Notre Dame de Paris. It's a cross between a puzzle and a model (maquette). While I am doing that, I don't think - only about what I am doing, so it's great.
4855 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2015, 10:22
Hi, Rusty!
The rain has stopped- long enough for us to get in a couple of hours walk, I hope!
I have finished the Everyman crossword- just one left that I cannot parse! Inspiration may strike whilst I am out facing the elements!
What time is the skiing on the TV? Shall you watch it this morning whilst waiting for Miss ATW to arrive?
Good luck with your bet on Frida Hansdotter!
Fingers crossed that the rain holds off! Talk later......
4856 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2015, 11:41
Hello, Elle!
Skiing has been on all morning.
Men's slalom, second run, is on now, from Val d'Isere.
A British lad is leading. Dave Ryding?
Ladies later on, They are in Sweden.
The biathlon was on earlier. A tough sport!
Miss ATW is coming after her gym session!
Afternoon, she said.
It is bright and cold here. Frost has not far.
4857 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2015, 13:31
Hello, Elle!
Frida was second to Petra Vhlova!
Petra was last to go and flew down the mountain.
I thought Frida had it, but no.
Great entertainment, though!.
4858 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2015, 13:32
Hi Rusty!
I think you have the best of the weather . Bright and cold beats warm and wet hands down!
It stayed dry whilst we were out, but you couldn't classify it as pleasant!
The dog enjoyed herself though - she came home absolutely filthy - she'd had a great time!
You are being spoilt with so many of your favourite sports on hand this weekend!
I have been reminded, though, that the Indoor Athletics will be on in February! Not all that long to wait......
I believe that they are in Glasgow?
We are out again shortly, just popping over to Sainsburys. We haven't heard from our daughter, so are not sure whether they are definitely coming.
But she has her key - and we will be back soon.
4859 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2015, 13:36
Hi again, Rusty!
Our posts crossed!
So your "favourite" came second - that is well done though, in any case!
But does this mean that your bet didn't make any money?
Did you bet for Frida to win ? or be placed? - or whatever
(I'll never grasp the betting system!!)
4860 of 30765  -   Report This Post