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11th December 2015, 10:28
Hi, Rusty!
A dampish dull day here with a temperature of about 7C!
How is it with you?
So you've ordered a tube map? Apart from assisting your crosswording prowess, now you will be able to follow what and where I am talking about!
(And it will be useful for you should you ever go to visit Lyn MacD in Hampstead!)
I have just had an SOS from my friend who lives a few doors way.....she isn't feeling very well, so wants me to cook dinner for the two Japanese students she has staying with her!
(She hasn't yet experienced my cooking, or maybe she wouldn't ask!)
But at least that is later in the day... I think they are to eat about 7 pm.
Are you and Miss La Bamba still heading out to the Pine Cone?
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11th December 2015, 10:34
Morning, Ros!
Speaking of shopping elder daughter told me that up in the Midlands , they are no longer given a carrier bag even when they buy clothes!
This seems a trifle extreme? I can understand taking one's own bags for food shopping and similar - but surely newly bought clothes deserve a clean bag? preferably provided by the vendor - because what happens if you need to return the item - usually it is expected to be in the shop's own 'named' bag?
Have you come across this?
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11th December 2015, 11:04
Good morning, Elle!
Fine dry day here and the ASDA girls are dressed as elves.
A nice touch!
Yes, regarding London, I have learned a lot from you, and to return the favour, if you ever need info on Achnasheen, just fire away and I shall try to help you!
So, it's Hampstead that Lyn lives at. What about Anne Bradford?
She is in London, too.
Yes, Miss La Bamba and me are heading out later and I am hoping I don't miss the postie bringing my Chambers.
A good idea for the Japanese folk would be fish and chips and mushy peas. Save you cooking and it's food for the Gods!
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11th December 2015, 12:11
Hi, Rusty! can start by telling me what and where IS Achnasheen?
I thought YOU told me that Lyn lives in Hampstead? (if you didn't........just don't dare mention "senior moments"!)
I'm afraid I have to cook a full roast dinner for the students! I believe it is to be chicken with all the trimmings!
Fish and chips, though, sounds a much easier option!
Well, I must away to the shops.....I need to buy some 'family' cards amongst other things.......
Have a great time with Miss L-B!
I hope you don't miss the delivery of your new Chambers!
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11th December 2015, 14:08
Elle, I don't know about the Midlands, but here in Scotland we have to buy a carrier bag or provide our own when buying clothes. This happens even in the finest of shops - one or two of those will wrap the purchase in tissue paper, then it can go into a Poundland or Harrods bag, whatever you've brought along!
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11th December 2015, 14:20
I don't buy clothes often enough to know yet! I suppose I would grudgingly pay for the bag. This morning I bought some icing equipment and was given a bag when I asked, because they don't have 250 employees. However, they could still choose to charge. I have a Nicole Farhi bag that is at least 20 years old- strong paper. Then they regarded that as good advertising.

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11th December 2015, 14:23
I love Japanese cooking and even have the proper crockery to serve it on, tiny bowls and Japanese chopsticks. Also a saki set, never used. I went to a Japanese cookery class, there were 3 men to every woman. My family didn't much care for the results, though.
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11th December 2015, 14:30
Rosalind, re the number of employees a shop has - here it's 10, any more employees than that and getting a bag is subject to the 5 pence charge. (Most places do the Bag For Life for 10 pence, people much prefer those.)
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11th December 2015, 15:04
Hi, Malone!
I think it's outrageous not to provide a bag for clothes! I think it's probably fair enough for other goods.
Is one permitted to purchase said bag if one wishes?
I guess you could keep the bag for future purchases from the shop if so?
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11th December 2015, 15:06
Yes, Elle, you can always purchase a bag from a 'good' shop and then use it everywhere else thereafter!
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