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10th December 2015, 17:28
We went into Skipton to shop this morning/lunchtime. It was bizarre - far quieter than usual. Perhaps I tend only to go there on market days and weekends.
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10th December 2015, 17:32
I wonder if the large stores in Paris will be as busy as usual, view the recent circumstances. They always decorate all their shop windows (rather a lot of them too) beautifully and with animated scenes, and this usually brings a queue of people, adults and children alike, just to watch the display. I am not sure what is happening this year.
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10th December 2015, 19:00
Hi, Rusty!
Lake Louise isn't far from where my old school friend lives in Calgary, Alberta.
She herself still skis a lot, although obviously no longer competitively.
But she organises ski trips and so forth and still does a lot of skiing.
It is something that, with my fear of heights , I have never wanted to do!
How about you? Do you/ did you ski?
There would presumably be opportunity to do that in the Scottish Highlands?
I have only a few chapters in my present book left to read.......then decision time - what to read next? I have a pile of eight books from which to choose!
Something relatively light and non- controversial, I think, this time.......
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10th December 2015, 21:16
Hello, Elle!
Isn't it a wee world!
It looks great skiing country and a tough downhill course.
I think this was on at the weekend and it was a recorded programme I was watching.
I skied a bit when I was younger. I fell a lot.
The nearest skiing to me is Glenshee but the road is often blocked by snow.
You are going to read?
Is it not time you were out a-wassailing?
I am thinking of starting Clare Balding's book "Walking Home".
Sunday Telegraph says " Comically honest. Will make you ache for moorlands and hills and valleys, and a snug pub with a big fire". Sounds to my taste.
I had a wee squiz at the Underground Tube map in my diary.
Print is way too small for me! I would get lost!
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10th December 2015, 22:16
Hi, Rusty!
In my "youth", a group of us from church (up North) used always to go carol-singing on Christmas Eve! We went to pre-arranged houses where the church members had "booked" the carol-singing and donated to charity. It was a wonderful experience!
Especially as we walked miles from house to house - and on a beautiful starlit frosty night - or if it had just begun to looked like Wonderland !
We would get treated to Supper at several of the houses!
Ah, nostalgia!!
I've heard about Clare Balding's book...she seems to be a very genuine person - and I know you like her. I am sure you will enjoy reading it.
Moors and hills sound just like Lancashire where I hail from!
Re Tube maps.......the Underground organisation prints out tube maps that are provided free - bigger print than those in the back of diairies. You wouldn't get lost! no -one can get lost on the Tube anyway - it is so easy to follow the map! (And if you did make an error, so easy to rectify - just get out at the next station and go the other way!)
When I first came to London, I always travelled everywhere by Tube - I just "popped up" out of a hole in the ground when I reached my destination!
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10th December 2015, 22:44
Hello, Elle, your carol singing memories sound great!
A little bit of snow is nice at Christmas.
Yes, I like Clare a lot!
A very nice lady and good fun!
She was a very good jockey and her Dad trained the great Mill Reef, who I remember very well.
I have heard tube travelling is very easy.
I was looking to see if I could see Brentford, but the print was far too small.
La Bamba and me are heading out tomorrow.
Surely she won't dump me two days running!
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10th December 2015, 23:05
Update, Elle!
I have just ordered a London Underground Map on eBay.
99 pence inc p&p.
This will fit in nicely with Bradford's, Brewer's, Chambers, and my Readers Digest Complete Drivers Road Atlas of Britain and Ireland.
So, come on Mr Rogan, let's see what you've got!
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11th December 2015, 08:08
Haha, rusty, you'll be asking for London references yet!

I FINALLY remembered to take my shopping bags into Tesco (they have been in the car for weeks!). Pity I forgot my purse.
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11th December 2015, 09:33
Good morning, Rosalind.
I am always up for a challenge!
Now, I wonder if I should buy a Joe Brown and the Bruvvers record to help me with the lingo!
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11th December 2015, 09:46
The lingo defeats me, too, rusty. Am quite good at scouse, though. Mind me Urdu!
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