Good afternoon, Elle!
Yes, home from the dentist. We had a nice chat about writing to Santa!
I have not replied to Mr Rogan, yet. Not sure I shall.
I doubt he could add any more to what he has said already.
The thing is, Elle, we (including Pigale) brought certain things to his attention and he took the time and trouble to respond.
I think that'll do for me.
And I have already complimented him on the standard of his crosswords, which he appreciated.
Miss La Bamba gave me the elbow!!!
Something more important cropped up for her.
Possibly tomorrow, if she can fit me in. Granddaughters!
Did you buy your stamps and stuff?
Hello, Pigale,
Malone's parse was perfect.
I did today's crossword early today and I have forgotten it, but it was another good one!
Well done, Mr Rogan and team!