It is beginning to look like your email did not get to either Rose or Mr Rogan. Pigale got an acknowledgement, wonder if she got an email? Was a very friendly email, Elle. He even said he would try and get a Scottish setter!
To stop me moaning probably. But he was jesting, I think.
He said he could not say if there were too many Londonisms but would try to ensure there were not "too" many in future.
For interest, the geographical breakdown in setters is,
4 from Ireland,
2 From Manchester,
3 from Yorkshire,
1 from Newcastle (a Londoner),
1 from Hampshire,
1 from Brighton,
1 from North Wales,
1 from Darlington (lives in NZ)
4 from London (one is a New Zealander)
So, a good mix I would say.
Mr Rogan explained that London was a major city and many people living outside London knew quite a bit about it.
So, that is all my news.
I shall reply, and remind him to get a Scottish setter so he can tease the public with words like "forfoughten" and "dreich" etc!