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8th December 2015, 12:07
Hi, Rusty!
I definitely think I'm black listed with our local Council! There was a time that, whenever I rang up, they would answer me by name without needing to ask who I was!
But I have never had dealings with The Times prior to this......
I wish Amazon would credit ME with some money! You are always getting offers from them, whereas I have had nary a one!
More Christmas cards arrived through the door this morning....and here am I only just beginning to write mine!
Oh on.......the sun is coming out...must manage to write another dozen or so cards before taking the dog out later......
4751 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2015, 12:09
Hi, Chris!
I'm glad that your parcel has finally arrived!
Is it too much to hope that it came with an apology? or even some money back for "inconvenience caused"?!
4752 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2015, 12:25
Hello, Elle!
I am sure you know I am but teasing you!
I thought my wee joke about Rose being Wild with you was chuckle worthy!
Amazon credit for games and apps is no good to me, and I shall not be using it.
I do have apps (no games) from Google Play Store, but the only one I paid for was Chambers Dictionary app, and it is excellent.
Angry Birds and Candy Crush etc will have to do without me!
I used to like PacMan, though!
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8th December 2015, 12:53
Hi elle
To be fair, after the first cock-up the senders refunded P&P.

It was beyond the wit of the deliiveryman to ring out (perfectly functional) doorbell, though - instead he tapped on the window of the room where my wife was working. I wonder if this is what had happened on previous missed deliveries?
4754 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2015, 14:14
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, of course I knew that you were but teasing me!
(I did chuckle at appropriately at the "Rose" quip; I won't say lol, as know you hate that!)
Another parcel arrived this morning - this is a present for the young one! so I am gradually getting there!
I still have to make a trip to the "big" shops, though, in either Bromley or Croydon....perhaps tomorrow or Thursday? and I still don't know what my granddaughter wants. I must speak to her mum this evening for some instructions!!
Time is marching on far too quickly.......
And speaking of marching.......well, not quite that, but certainly 'walking'..... the sun is shining brightly , the sky is blue...I am now going to go out with the dog!
Have you had your "constitutional" today?
4755 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2015, 17:33
Hello, Elle!
Have a day in Bromley or Croydon and get the gift shopping finished with. Yes, I have had a good brisk walk.
Has been a fine day here.
"Blague" is a new word to me in Times crossword today!
Mr Rogan's lads are doing well!
4756 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2015, 17:56
Hey Rusty, what was the clue on that ? Blague, in French, means a joke, or it can be a little pouch for tobacco - was it anything to do with this?
4757 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2015, 18:02
Hello, Pigale!
19, Load of rubbish silver in colour (6)

Chambers defines it; humbug, pretentious nonsense.
Blaguer; a person who talks pretentious nonsense.
4758 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2015, 18:16
Not quite the same then -our 'blagueur' just talks nonsense on purpose, or makes jokes, but is is not pretentious - and blaguer is the verb ie to joke etc...

ah well, can't win them all !
4759 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2015, 18:37
Hello, Pigale!
It must have changed its meaning slightly on its journey from France!
It is a new word for me!
4760 of 30765  -   Report This Post