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8th December 2015, 19:26
Good evening, Rusty!
Our walk in the glorious sunshine came to an abrupt and soggy end!
The sky suddenly darkened dramatically and we had a cloudburst - and how it rained! We were so wet, It necessitated a change of clothing when we got home!
I have actually heard of "blague"- or rather I have heard of "blaguer" as someone who talks ostentatious nonsense. I haven' t though come across "blague" as the nonsense thereby talked!
But it was quite a good clue, wasn't it? I would have got it from that!
And - guess what? - the postman had attempted to deliver another parcel whilst we were out!
A kindly neighbour had taken it in for us. So the Christmas gifts for the grandkids are mounting up!
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8th December 2015, 19:42
Hello, Elle!
Be thankful you did not get the rain that Cumbria got!
And you knew blague?
That's education for you!
It was a word I did not know.
With the clue, I thought it may be blague, the way I was working it, and Bradford's and Chambers confirmed it for me.
A kindly neighbour indeed!
I am trying out a different browser on Hudl.
Maxthon. Seems very good!
It has Adblock built into it.
Will you have a Christmas tree?
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8th December 2015, 20:47
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, we shall have a tree - it wouldn't be Christmas without a beautifully decorated tree, with coloured lights!
Our is an artificial one and still in the loft at the moment. We need to get it - and the decorations - down from there, so that I can start decorating it!
I did tell you how behind I am this year! (mind you, I say this every year.....)
Somehow, we get there in the end!
Have you got your tree up yet?
One of our neighbours is having a sale of work (her own, I gather ) on Saturday at her house - it is focussed on home-made Christmas gifts. I believe she has her own business.
If I get the time, I shall go along ...I might find an original gift or two to add to the girls' presents?
I haven't even done today's crosswords yet .............
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8th December 2015, 21:32
Hello, Elle!
A nice lit up tree is a joy to behold!
I have a tiny tree which does me.
It is in a drawer somewhere.
I do not do decorations or things like that.
I just might get a better one, though.
Miss La Bamba and me are going to Pine Cone this week and they have hundreds of Christmas items.
I did my crossword earlier today.
No Londonisms!
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9th December 2015, 00:05
Good MORNING, Rusty!
I'm sorry for the long delay in replying but I fell asleep!
Perhaps you have already gone to bed?
You do put decorations and lights on your tree though? even if it is small?
Yes, why not have a look for another (maybe a bigger?) one when you and Miss L-B go to the Pine Cone - after all, Christmas trees and so forth are its speciality, are they not?
It will at any rate be fun to at least look! (ooops! I've split an infinitive there! My bete noire! Blame the lateness /?earliness / of the hour!)
I'm rambling...time to go to bed.........!
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9th December 2015, 09:14
Good morning, Elle!
Fell dreich up here!
Now, I have heard of split infinitives but have no idea what they are.
My Christmas tree has no room for lights.
It is ten inches tall and sits by my fire.
It is a token gesture, that's all.
I am looking forward to Pine Cone this week.
Wonder if they do Christmas bacon rolls?
I have had a quick squiz at my crossword online, and notice Putney Heath gets a mention today.
Now I wonder where and what that is!
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9th December 2015, 10:00
Morning Rusty,

Sorry about your weather - had some light rain overnight I think but dry now.

I know that Putney is a London Suburb, so Putney Heath might be in the same area...... but can't place it on the map.
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9th December 2015, 10:25
Good morning (again), Rusty!
I think we must be getting the opposite weather to you!
It is the most beautiful day here. Even early morning (7.45 am) when I went out, the sun was shining and the sky blue. It wasn't very warm though, only 4C!
We had to scrape some ice from the car.
But I much prefer cold and dry to warm and wet!
Putney is in SW15 near to Wimbledon (SW19) - now you have heard of that!
Putney Heath lies next to Wimbledon Common.
I am putting aside all crosswords today (says she firmly) until I have made greater inroads into writing my Christmas cards!
Which day are you going to the Pine Cone?
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9th December 2015, 12:00
Good morning, Pigale!
Wind is rising here.
I knew Elle would tell us about Putney Heath!
Seems to be an abundance of parks and open spaces in London.
The city planners in days gone by, knew what they were at!
Is it "by" or "bye"?

Hello, Elle,
Yes, crack on with your cards. Remember Rose, too!
"Going great guns" is going to be my "phrase of the day" to get to the bottom of!
Yes, I know about Wimbledon. Even knew it was SW something!
Pine Cone tomorrow, but early appointment for a scrape and polish first. Miss La Bamba has an exam, so we shall have to duck and dive a wee bit to fit things in.
Lucky you with the weather! Very windy here.
Our clouds are "going a fair skelp" across the sky!
Another Scots phrase to keep you going!
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9th December 2015, 15:12
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, I am absolutely shattered! I didn't even stop for lunch!
But I am pleased to report that ALL my Christmas cards are now written!
I shall leave the daunting task of queuing up at the Post Office for the stamps until tomorrow. I cannot face it today!
I have a really bad feeling about the cards for Overseas - have I missed the last posting date, do you know?
What prompted you to find out about "Going great guns"?
As far as I was aware until today, it simply meant functioning with great speed or intensity - I didn't know what was behind the phrase?
I expect you have already investigated the "history", but if you haven't .......Brewers is very informative! Too much to copy out.....but take a look !
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