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7th December 2015, 18:39
Hello, Elle!
My Chamber's will be here Thurs/Fri.
You have me bemused now about Rose.
It was an email address I gave you.
You are not required to give a home address.
No posties involved.
It would be an email acknowledgement.
Did not you get one?
Try again and see how you get on?
4731 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2015, 19:01
Hi, Rusty!
Perhaps it is I who am confused!
Only when I sent my initial letter to Richard Rogan via "", I found afterwards that I was required to give a full postal address if I wanted the letter to be published.
I hadn't done this, as I hadn't expected to have my letter published, I just wanted a one-to-one conversation with Mr. R. to discuss the issue.
So I not unnaturally wondered if the same address requirement was mandatory for this "Feedback" column? Especially as you received an acknowledgment and I did not!
But you say I have re-sent the letter; just my name - no address.
We shall see what happens this time........
4732 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2015, 19:08
Hello, Elle!
Both Pigale and me got emails from Rose's machine.
I imagine you should too.
The paper gave the email address for "feedback" and nothing else. No instructions about addresses or anything.
Fingers crossed you get a reply!
4733 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2015, 20:45
Hi, Rusty!
Well, no acknowledgement as yet! perhaps they are only sent during working hours? although usually these automated responses arrive whatever time of day or night, don't they?
Anyway, that is one letter to Mr R at the letters section, and two attempts sent to the feedback - I can do no more!
We shall see what Saturday brings.
Did I tell you I had two parcels delivered from Amazon yesterday? - these were the boys' (two elder grandsons') Christmas presents! The youngest grandson's present hasn't come yet.
Quite exciting! I like getting parcels, even if the contents are not ultimately for me!
I shall still have to brave the shops in either Bromley or Croydon one day though to get a few more individual presents, plus some "bits and bobs".
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7th December 2015, 21:13
Hi elle
My DPD saga continues. I'm now on my fourth rearrangement of delivery date, as it failed to turn up today. It's not urgent, but it's tedious waiting in to sign for it.

On Wednesday it will be a fortnight since the first date!
4735 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2015, 21:17
Hello, Elle!
No reply?
Are you sure you had the right address, none of your senior moments? Maybe you will have to be patient.
Most of the parcels delivered to me are for my neighbour.
At present I have a not-built-yet Wendy house occupying my spare room. Took two strapping guys to carry it.
It is good to know that you have some presents bought.
"Bits and bobs". Brewer's blames that on the BBC Weather folk.
4736 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2015, 21:24
Hi, Chris!
I'm concerned that maybe they have a new policy - or maybe it's "under new management"?
I have always had such good service that what you are unfortunately experiencing appears incredible.
I've been receiving deliveries (from VetUK) through DPD for several years now - and always they have come on the stated date and within the given hour time slot.
Let us hope that this is just a "one- off" with this particular item ?
and that it doesn't happen again!
4737 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2015, 21:43
Hi, Rusty!
No reply as yet.....
Yes, of course I had the right address - anyway, YOU gave it to me!!!! whose "senior moment" would that be then, were it wrong??
But you are off the hook, because I did double check it for the second attempt - and yes, it was correct!
Who is the Wendy House for, though? for your neighbour's family?
- or for Miss O'Hara?
I looked up "bits and bobs" in Brewers - yes, apart from "a diffuse assortment of small items" which is what I meant ! I see it can also mean "bits and bobs of rain" - meaning simply scattered showers!
( I shall never view a rain shower in the same way again!)
4738 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2015, 22:05
I've submitted 3 or 4 letters (electronically) to the Times to be published (a bit different, I know). I received an automated "We got your mail" very quickly. It does say somewhere you must give your address and phone number.
Two of the letters were published! They did not ring to verify my name or anything.

4739 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2015, 22:18
Hello, Elle!
This is just a mystery!
Wonder why no reply for you?
Your desktop would not think it spam, possibly?
The Wendy house is for my neighbour's niece.
It is a sturdy thing. It is in three parts and very heavy.
I thought maybe "bits and bobs" were to do with horses.
It is not in my idiom book.
I shall see what Chambers has to say on the matter.
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