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7th December 2015, 22:20
The letter to R. Rogan direct (I mean not to Feedback but to The Crossword Editor) asked for address but I cannot remember them asking for a phone number.
4741 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2015, 22:26
Sorry Rosalind, you are right; they do require both address and daytime telephone number.
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7th December 2015, 23:01
Hi, Rusty!
No, there is nothing in my Junk Box relevant to The Times "Feedback" - I always check that regularly just in case something of importance gets directed there.
I think "Rose" is doing a "Chambers" on me!
Your storing presents for your neighbour reminds me of the days when OUR neighbour used to keep our presents for the children in HIS house - so that they couldn't find them and still believe that Father Christmas brought them on Christmas Eve!
Ah, those were the days......
Chambers says that "bits and bobs" are "odds and ends"!
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7th December 2015, 23:36
Hello, Elle!
I find it odd that Pigale and me got replies from Rose's machine within minutes and you did not? There is no sense to it.
Have another go?
This storing presents was not planned, d'ye see?
I am forever taking in stuff for my neighbour.
"Bits and bobs" are coins, too, you know?
4744 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2015, 10:00
Morning Rusty,

The expression 'Bits and Bobs' probably finds its origin in the old British currency - three penny bits and bob for shilling.
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8th December 2015, 10:23
Good Morning, Rusty!
A wet but mild day here. How about you?
Now........when I initially tried to get in touch with Richard Rogan through the "Letters" section, I received a response from that, asking for my name , full postal address and telephone number, before they would consider publishing my letter.
I didn't give them all that as I wasn't interested in having my letter published, but just wanted to communicate my views to the Crossword editor.
So I asked for my letter to be forwarded to Mr. Rogan in the appropriate quarter.
I don't know whether that was done, as I had no reply to my request.
So then I did as you did and tried sending an email to "Feedback".
I have now tried this three (!) times, but I am still not receiving any response ( from "Rose") whatsoever - no automated acknowledgement such as you and Pigale had?
Yes, it IS a mystery! but I've shot my bolt....three times is enough!
Right, back to the Christmas cards........
4746 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2015, 10:30
Hi, Pigale!
Chambers gives "bit" as simply meaning "coin", but your explanation sound eminently plausible!
How are your friends in Cumbria doing now with the floods?

Dare I ask after your 'missing' parcel?
Any sign of / word from/ DPD?
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8th December 2015, 10:43
Elle, thanks for asking. they have moved back downstairs and only a slight damp smell remains - nothing than can't be sorted out with a good airing for a few days; luckily, they had a sunny day yesterday, so a massive draft helped with getting rid of remaining dampness.

They are reasonably cheerful in fact because, really, and in comparison to the people in Carlisle (only 30 miles away) they got away with little damage. Up there, many homes are still without electricity - including a hospital which is using its generator.

Dry and fairly bright here but due for rain later this afternoon/evening. Not cold.
4748 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2015, 10:48
Hi elle
Parcel finally arrived this morning!
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8th December 2015, 11:18
Good morning, Elle!
Beautiful day up here and very mild!
Strange behaviour by The Times.
Maybe the machine has you filed under "pest, ignore"?
Rose may be "Wild" at you!
You have done very well in your attempts though. 10/10.
i received an email from those nice folks at Amazon crediting my account with £10, but only if I use it for games or apps, from their App store. Life is complicated enough without getting involved with Amazon apps or games.

Good morning, Pigale!
I think "bits and bobs" makes more sense regarding currency rather than weather reports!
Good to hear you have a reasonable day today.
Hope the folk in Cumbria and the Borders have a fine dry day, too!
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