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13th September 2015, 12:43
hi elle
Last week there was a general knowledge x word in the times but it doesnt seem to be a regular feature,sorry if you thought I was losing what few marbles I have left.Both dogs at the vets today she think that they have ingested some weedkiller as the council are spraying all over the place so on drips and no food Freddy looks very woebegone
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13th September 2015, 12:55
Sorry if I am giving wrong info, doglet, but the small 13 x 13 general knowledge crossword is always on opposite page to the jumbo (page 58 in review section)
Saturday's is numbered 6816
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13th September 2015, 13:40
Hi, Doglet!
We were obviously at cross purposes!
Yes, you are right in that there was a second Jumbo General Knowledge crossword last w/e in the SUNDAY Times!
I think it was just a one-off - but we haven't bought today's paper as yet.
So sorry to hear about Freddy and Honey! I always worry about the Council's spraying of the highways and by-ways! How long will they have to stay in the vets?
Glad it isn't worse - hope you are going to complain to the Council?!
Let me know later how they are?
We are just going out now with daughter and grandson - and dog!
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13th September 2015, 13:46
I'll get my coat....
I know doglet you do the 13 x 13 and that was what I thought you were referring to.
Apologies for cross-purposes.
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13th September 2015, 14:16
You might be right, JG ! It might be I who misunderstood! Anyway,too much information is better than none!
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13th September 2015, 17:38
hi elle
Yes an overnight stay is required we could probably stay at the Ritz for a night,they looked slightly better this evening , The council says that they are using a spray that isnt toxic to animals but several owners have had the same problem,feels odd without them
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13th September 2015, 17:53
Hi there,

Gosh Doglet, I've been out most of the day and only looked in on the thread - you must be so worried for your pups (I know they are adults but I always call dogs pups as a nickname). When do you think they got contaminated? through licking their paws probably ?
Do you think you 'll get them back tomorrow?

I know it feels awful not having 4 (or 8) paws around when we are used to having them.

An overnight stay at the Vets for two dogs will be expensive - why don't you send the bill to the Council ? together with the owners' bills too ! and the backing of the Vet ?

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13th September 2015, 18:22
hi pigale

We hope to get them back tomorrow afternoon as long as they are eating and drinking,I forgot and made their evening meal.We now have rain and it is quite dark and the forecast for next week seems more of the same,I am watching a recording I made of a programme about the black death and how it could reappear not a happy thought
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13th September 2015, 19:21
Hi Elle,

Hope your day went nicely, with not too inclement weather. Here is dull, windy and chilly - forcast not brilliant for a week, then better.

I had a look at the Aspinall Foundation and read all about the rehabilitation back into the wild particul;arly of Djala and family; Such a shame that some of them did not survive, and I sincerely hope that it was indeed an attack from another gorilla, and not human sabotage of the project.

A very interesting project anyway and I am all for foundations like that - but yours is a Wild Animal Park, not a zoo, and am not so sure zoos get involved in such projects - I tend to think they often have financial difficulties.

Bad about Doglet's dogs isn't it? and it could be harmful to young children !
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13th September 2015, 20:47
Hi, Doglet!
I'm glad to hear the patients are improving. Goodness, you have had some expensive vet bills of late! I can't remember if your animals are insured? I know you have to hit quite a high ceiling though, anyway, before you get the benefit from that. I can well believe you both could get a night at the Ritz on what it will cost you!
You'll feel better when you hopefully get Freddy and honey home tomorrow!

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