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21st September 2015, 22:15
Entirely agree ChrisE - Will contribute tomorrow, after my beauty sleep ! (we are an hour ahead here)
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21st September 2015, 22:21
Yes, a very good idea , Chris!
After all, we fought long and hard for a chance to "chat" - as you say we shouldn't let the thread die away.
How are you anyway? Any holidays coming up , fern studying? you haven't mentioned it for a while?
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22nd September 2015, 07:37
chrise- have you finished "Skallagrig"?
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22nd September 2015, 07:45
No Rosalind - nearly halfway. It's taking me longer than usual as I have to keep wiping my eyes!
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22nd September 2015, 07:48

and it's a very long book......
Virtual box of tissues headed your way
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22nd September 2015, 07:49
Thank you!
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22nd September 2015, 11:18
Morning Everyone,

Actually have a connection for .... I don't know how long, so taking advantage of this to say Hello.

Technician coming this afternoon to work on my line - apparently I have had no less than 5380 disconnections ! The chap on the phone could not get over it ! The problem might be on line outside the house, or indoors, perhaps a filtre that's dead or .... whatever !

The frustating thing about all this is that whenever I want to reply to a post, by the time I get reconnected, an hour or so has elapsed - hence there is no point!

So all being well, I might be back to normal this evening - fingers crossed.
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22nd September 2015, 13:57
Hello, Pigale!
I hope your technician has arrived and is now working on your line. Hopefully , you will be able to communicate successfully later on today!
It's the most miserable day here! very wet and very chilly! I got soaked this morning walking the dog, despite wearing a raincoat and wellies and even bearing an umbrella at the time!
(Needless to say the dog had a great time!)
I'm spending the afternoon reading!
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22nd September 2015, 16:33
Hello Elle,

The technician has just left; he only stayed in the house 5mns if that, just long enough to tell me that he had already found and solved the faulty connection outside, at the street terminal. the 'ADSL' was more or less dead - I don't even know what the initials stand for, let alone translate in English - but what I do know is that without this, no internet)

The installation dates back almost ten years so he has fitted a bran new ADSL, modern and up to date etc etc...
All for free of course !

I wonder if any of my neighbours have encountered problems; I presume they have Internet, if only to watch TV - a lot of people in France go for the Internet/telephone/tv package, which means if internet does not work, nothing works ! I don't, everything is separate.

Now for the test to see if I can send this post
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22nd September 2015, 19:27
Good Evening, Pigale!
I'm glad that your connection problem is now resolved! According to Google, ADSL stands for Asymmetric digital subscriber line - I'm surprised that there wasn't a French term for it?!
Our rain didn't let up all day - I chickened out of a second dog walk and we all stayed indoors and kept dry! some folk are talking of an Indian Summer on its way by Friday ...not according to the BBC weather forecast on my computer! it's not going to reach above 16C for the next ten days!

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