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28th August 2015, 19:23
Hi pigale
I'm here - watching highlights of today's Vuelta stage (don't tell me, if you know what happened)
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28th August 2015, 19:26
I won't ! Are you finding it an exciting race ?
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28th August 2015, 19:28
Yes, and quite surprising so far, with current 1 and 2 doing far better than would have been expected.
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28th August 2015, 19:30
I don't know enough about current 1 to judge - have only encountered his name on this race.

One thing for sure, they have heat to contend with !
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29th August 2015, 20:31
A clue for chrise, pigale and any other ... fans

Car initially kicked by cyclist (6)

This is from today's Inquisitor and I have the answer - it's purely for your interest!
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29th August 2015, 21:27
Thought I'd tell you I looked after my grandson yesterday afternoon and had not been able to get a Snakes and Ladders game, so I made one! Just on the back of an amazon book pack. Luckily had a die and used two small coins as counters.
he is really only interested in martial arts but did play two games and seemed to enjoy them
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29th August 2015, 21:48
Hi, Ros!
That was very enterprising of you!
Did you draw and colour the snakes and ladders in on the cardboard?
I'm glad it worked!
Our youngest grandson (the 3 year old) is coming tomorrow and so I have no doubt that I will be paying again!
We have got quite an assortment of board games - I'll have to hone up my skills!
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29th August 2015, 21:57
Hi Malone,

Think my brain has gone to sleep ! can't get it. Am I looking for a type of car or for a cyclist....????
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29th August 2015, 21:58

I marked out the squares with a ruler and black pen and numbered them, put some snakes in with red and ladders with blue permanent markers. I will buy a proper set , it's just I can't see any I like on amazon and don't go into town much.
Spent many hours on a coach today visiting the Sainsbury centre for the Visual Arts at Norwich and the Cathedral there. The best moments were talking to an elderly Japanese gentleman who had finally realised his dream to come to England. We heard a visiting girl's choir sing at evensong, they were wonderful.
He asked me if it was a special day. I replied "I don't know, not being Christian". He replied "Me neither". Had to smile at that.
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29th August 2015, 22:01
I can think of a car that would sound like a cyclist (of the reverse),..............
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