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1st September 2015, 16:29
That's the first leg of the autumn double gone was a banker.
3581 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st September 2015, 17:01
Hi Jazzy,

That's just what I do - drivel and pollute the thread ! :)
But it is almost non-existant now anyway !
3582 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st September 2015, 17:20
hi pigale
not been at home much today but I for one appreciate your drivel.We have just finished doing one of the apple trees only two more to go and Freddy and I tried a pear and decided to pick a few but my poor tomato plant remains green.I bought some climbing ivy plants a few weeks ago and they are doing a good job covering a rather dreary fence.Every time we clear the pond the rain keeps filling it up so we have a plastic sheet.I noticed over it until we decide what to do with it.I noticed that several mdern authors are writing books using a dead authors characters Sophie Hannah has written a Poirot novel and Val Mcdermid has too I really cannot see why as the originals were very good.Going to Winchester tomorrow so will put a flower on St Swithins grave to see if he can stop the rain
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1st September 2015, 19:15
Hello Doglet,

I thought, after looking at BBC weather forecast, that your rain had stopped, or at least lessened.

As for planting some climbing ivy, come over here and I can give you as much as you want - It is growing like mad and I have to be very vigilant so that the trees are not chocked by the stuff.

For me here, it'll soon be leaves raking and that's no small job !

Our retriever used to go around the apple trees and help himself to some several times a day! I reckoned he ate more apples than we did; apple and blackberry pie is my favourite - I don't mind getting scratched by the brambles because I know that if I put the fruit in the freezer, I am going to enjoy the pie at Christmas!

I don't think that writing books using a dead author's character should be allowed. Why can't they create a character of their own ? They are just hoping for the fame the character is likely to bring them. It's a bit of a cheat (even if they write good novels)
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1st September 2015, 19:20
the website i use for weather had wall to wall sunshine this afternoon, not mentioning the thunderstorm we got caught out in - soaked!

cat on lap, hence lower case.
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1st September 2015, 19:34
Hi, Doglet and Pigale!
I have been out for most of the day - I don't know what weather forecast you have been looking at , Pigale, but it has been raining HEAVILY here all the time !!!! Dreadful weather !
Our mornings are getting darker too - when I get up at 6am it's now still fairly dark. I don't mind the darker evenings as I'm usually indoors then but I do like light mornings when I want to be outside!
I am surprised, Doglet, that it is permitted to write books using another author's character? Doesn't it come under plagiarism or somesuch?
If the book w ere below par for instance , might there not be some reflection on the original author? ( not justified I know)
Just wondering.......
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1st September 2015, 19:38
There is an ongoing series of modern writers re-writing jane austen's books. the one i read - alexander mccall smith, who i like, doing emma - was completely pointless
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1st September 2015, 19:40
Just a little bit of information on the authors 'hijacking' other authors' characters/books. Some of these - Val McDermid, Alexander McCall Smith and Joanna Trollope, for example - are part of the Austen Project. This is an attempt to attract more readers to Jane Austen, readers who might never think they'd enjoy her work. Sophie Hannah's book was triggered by her fascination with Hercule Poirot, I'd expect that these authors would all have had to get permission, though I don't know the details.

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1st September 2015, 19:41
Chrise, you type faster than me - and more succinctly too!
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1st September 2015, 19:44
You gave more detail, malone!

I'm baffled by it really; how can you improve on Jane Austen, who wrote the best English prose ever published.

There was a character called Jerry Cornelius, who a disparate but friendly group of SF writes all wrote about - Michael Moorcock probably the best known of them.
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