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30th August 2015, 17:17
hi pigale
the weathe is certainly not summery it is more like autumn tomorrows forecast is rain allday.I have noticed the the motorcycles seem far too close to the riders and it is the same in marathons.Our holly and hawthorn trees have berries on them already so perhaps this el ninio suggestion that we are in for a hard winter might be true,I dont really mind the cold but not the rain,snow is very pretty but the magic soon wears off except the dogs love it
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30th August 2015, 17:39
Yes Doglet, I too love the snow - quite selfishingly so because I am retired - but for the person who need to get from A to B for work, it is no fun; around here there are a lot of smallish roads before you can reach a National Road which is usually better looked after.

On Palm Sunday (which usually gives the tendency of weather for the year) it was windy (and our Summer, although very hot, has been breezy) and the wind came from the North - not too good for a mild winter ! But they seem to forecast a mild Autumn.

Anyway, I think Seasons should be Seasons, and I expect to be cold in the Winter.
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31st August 2015, 09:27
Morning, Doglet and Pigale!
I've just been reading what you both said yesterday about the weather. It seems depressingly early to be talking about snow!
Yes, it's pretty when it first lies - my dog loves it too! - but treacherous when it freezes and becomes slippy under foot. I might have faced it dauntlessly in my youth(!) but now regard it with trepidation when it reaches the 'dangerous' stage!
(And our local council is always behindtimes with its gritting of the roads)
There are a lot of berries on the trees... a sign supposedly of a "bad" winter?
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31st August 2015, 09:29
Hi, Rusty!
I thought I would send you a message just in case you looked in.....
How are you ?
Did you manage to see much of the later stages of the Athletics World Championships ? - sadly all finished now! (although I have yesterday's still to watch!)
And what about the crashes in the Tour of Spain? Goodness, you told me it was a "hard" sport, but recent events have shown it to be positively brutal! That poor Belgian rider who is now in an induced coma, awaiting surgery for severe facial injuries - and a lung injury.
And Peter Sagan hit by one of the accompanying motorcycles! I understand he is suffering from first and second degree burns.
Give me a peaceful tennis match any day!
It's pelting down with rain here - a 'wellie' day! Even the dog had to be persuaded out this morning!
What is it like in your "neck of the woods"? Better than it is here, I hope?
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31st August 2015, 09:36
Hi elle and pigale

It is still raining and chilly,we were going to Winchester and walk along the water meadows but the weather isnt going to imrove to it will be stay at home and read I have several library books and ones I have bought to choose from,I finished Agincourt early this morning so might try the animals who served in WW1 especially since it features an airedale who carried cartridges to the soldiers,Freddy would probably not have given them up when he got there

Hope you have a nice bank holiday
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31st August 2015, 09:44
Morning everyone,

Happy Bank Holiday ! We don't have it over here but we had 15th August off; Your bank holidays are always on a Monday, it is not so in France.

Dare I say weather extremely hot and sunny yet ? Thunders due late afternoon/ evening-night - who knows exactly when !

Re berries - I am not sure that nowadays these little warnings that Nature gave us are as trustworthy as they used to be - Man has mellowed so much with Nature, and the atmospheric pollution may have had a bad influence on all these signs.

We always used to say that when onions had a thick coating that meant a harsh winter to come - now all onions have thick coating, and a lot of them come from green houses !
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31st August 2015, 09:46
Ps - hope you know what I meant by 'coating' ?
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31st August 2015, 11:26
Doglet, I had to chuckle at the prospect of Freddy refusing to give up the cartridges!
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1st September 2015, 10:25
Hello everyone,

Just a few words to help this thread which is threatening of grinding to halt ! Come back Rusty, all is forgiven :)))

Weather changed now - big thunderstorm in night and now temps low 20s - grey sky but sun due back tomorrow, with temps remaining in low 20s - more in keeping with this time of the year.

How is everyone ?
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1st September 2015, 16:13
Hi pigale

Elle was around a little earlier but may not have seen your post

I just don't feel I have anything substantive to contribute at this time so I am abstaining from polluting this thread with my pointless drivel ;))
But I wish everyone well
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