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5th December 2019, 17:45
Hello, Elle!
Thank you kindly, for the clip!
Not heard that before!

I have been catching up on an old favourite of mine, earlier.
Little Miss Dynamite herself, Brenda Lee, singing "Jambalaya" on the Grand Ole Opry!

30241 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2019, 19:19
Good evening, Rusty!
Thank you for the video clip.
I hadn't heard of Avery Winter?
Yes, she did a very good impersonation of a very young Brenda Lee.
And such self possession in one so young!
Has your son been round to see you?
It is tomorrow that they move house, isn't it?
So next week when he visits, he will have to drive round!
Still, at least it isn't too far away.
30242 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2019, 19:39
Hello, Elle!
I think that was Brenda Lee, not Avery.
My son is too busy to visit me this night.
He is running back and forward with his van.
They have to be out earlyish tomorrow morn.
The girls are staying with Gran for tonight at least.
I'll text later to see how things are going.
I have offered to help but I am not needed so far!
30243 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2019, 20:31
Hi, Rusty!
I must have misunderstood?
I had thought from the wording on the clip that it was a little girl aged 8, singing in 2010?
But if it really was Brenda Lee, that would certainly explain why it was so terrific!!
Yes, your son will indeed be busy if he is organising the move himself!
But it will all be worth it soon, once they get sorted out...and have their new home looking "shipshape" and done up to their taste, and expectations.
I am sure that there will be plenty that you can to do to help in the following few weeks, once they have actually moved in.
Anyway, you have Li coming tomorrow to fix your roof, don't you?
I hope you have a fine day for it.
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5th December 2019, 21:11
Hello, Elle!
No, I think you are right and I am wrong.
Looks like it was Avery in that clip!
Here she is again a little bit older.

My son says things are going reasonably well.
The girls have gone to Gran's.
They may be there for two or three days.
They have new stuff, beds etc ordered, but not arriving until Saturday.
Yes, my pal will be here tomorrow.
I have bought extra food.
Cyclists have enormous appetites, and I know this one well!
Hopefully a calm dry day tomorrow.

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5th December 2019, 21:23
Update, Elle!
Here's Brenda (the real one) a year or two older!

A nice touch. They have a photo of Hank Williams as a backdrop.
Hank wrote the song, and many have recorded it.
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5th December 2019, 22:52
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you, I thoroughly enjoyed both those clips!
Avery is very good....... but Brenda Lee is the real deal!
She had me dancing!
And now I have an earworm for "Jambalaya".........
That is good that you have spoken to your son and been assured that all is going well with his move.
It is fortunate that the girls are able to stay with their gran during the transition period.
You had me smiling at the prospect of you and Lionel tucking into all the food that you have bought!
Now do be careful on the roof!
30247 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2019, 05:57
Good morning, Elle!
Looks dry outside.
I think Avery was on America's Got Talent but I did not see her.
She's good!
I was reading up on Brenda Lee.
She's only 4 foot 9 inches tall.
I think I will soon be word perfect with Jambalaya!
Did not realise that.
The girls will be fine at their Gran's.

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6th December 2019, 10:15
Good morning, Rusty!
It is wet and windy here!
Milder though, but I should prefer it to be cold and dry.
I have no plans for today, other than to write some more Christmas cards.
I am not even printing out the crosswords, so that I am not tempted to deviate from my chosen path!!
I hope your roofing repairs go well....and that it does not rain and scupper your plans!
30249 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2019, 11:13
Hello, Elle!
It is dry here but I don't think the rain is far away!
Roof tiles and battens have been replaced.
New battens, the tiles are fine.
A flat area beside the roof has been prepared, and primer applied.
Not sure when the top coating will be applied.
No rush though.
Things going well, so far!
Your puzzle can wait.
Cards come first!
30250 of 30765  -   Report This Post