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7th December 2019, 23:07
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for that!
I do not know Mary Chapin Carpenter?
She is great....and the music was very toe -tapping!
Is she related to Karen and Richard?
Karen Carpenter has long been a favourite of mine......I have CDs of all her songs.
I've just let the dog out in to the garden.....
Very cold!
30271 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2019, 06:12
Good morning, Elle!
The rain has stopped. anyway.
I'm slightly surprised you did not know Mary Chapin Carpenter.
She has had a few very popular recordings over the years.
Her new release is "Our Man Walter Cronkite".
Cronkite was an American news broadcaster.
Often called "the most trusted man in America".
I am going to listen to it later.
She comes from a large family but I do not think she is related to the Carpenters.
Well, I have no plans today, but I am getting a visit from Miss L-B.
That will be good!
30272 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2019, 08:57
spam at 0854 reported
30273 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2019, 09:54
Good morning, Rusty!
It is lovely here....pale blue sky and sunshine.
Very mild at 11C, but is set to go colder again as the day lengthens.
Yes, I knew of Walter Cronkite......
I shall look up Mary Chapin Carpenter's song.
I think she is very good!
No, she isn't related to The Carpenters, Karen and Richard....I checked!
I think we have a quiet day family visiting this weekend, as YB has a chest infection.
Mind you, I am in need of some R & R!
What time is Miss L-B coming over to see you?
30274 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2019, 10:03
Hello, Elle!
Heavy rain here!
Mary CC is very good, I think.
She has written some good stuff, including "Walter".
I think she is touring just now.
I suspect L-B will be here after 11.
She did not specify a time to me.
30275 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2019, 10:52
Hi, Rusty!
I have tracked down Mary Chapin Carpenter's song about Walter Cronkite, and have just been listening to it.
It is a wonderful tribute to him....nicely sung..... and the video is very skilfully produced.
However..... I preferred the style of music that I heard her sing last night.
I shall further investigate and discover what genre of music she usually sings?
Now..... I expect Miss La Bamba will already know this.....but just in case she doesn't..... Lewis Capaldi is singing at the Royal Variety Performance concert this coming Thursday !
(As, of course, is also the OAP from BGT!)
The Everyman is a disappointment today.... too easy.......
I was looking forward to its taking much longer to solve!
Have fun with your granddaughter!
30276 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2019, 11:02
Hello, Elle!
She is a very good songwriter.
I liked "Our Man Walter Cronkite", too.
I'd say his family would be very pleased about it.
She usually sings "soft rock", I think it is called.
"Shut Up and Kiss Me" was very popular.
All her stuff is on YouTube.
She has a lot of duets with Shawn Colvin, too.
My day off from puzzles!
Yesterday's was quite a test, I thought.
30277 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2019, 12:45
Hi, Rusty!
Are you about?
You are perhaps still chatting to Miss L-B!
Did she know about Lewis Capaldi's taking part in the Royal Variety Performance?
I still do not know whether or not he is related to Peter Capaldi of "Dr Who" fame ?
I must look it up....
I have been doing the ST Cryptic crossword, and also watching part of the European Cross Country......multi-tasking!
I am unsure about one ST clue as I cannot find a definition...either I am completely wrong (quite probable) or else there is a mistake in the clue (unlikely!)……...
I'll take another look at it later.
We are going out shortly .......
It is such a lovely day that I am sure the dog would appreciate another walk!
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8th December 2019, 13:34
Good afternoon, Elle!
Rain has stopped!
The young one has just left.
She is off to collect Miss O who is just back from Crieff.
She had her works night out in Crieff.
I know nothing about Lewis Capaldi.
Think he's from Glasgow?
I watched some of the cross country, but I did not like the course.
No streams to jump, or anything.
30279 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th December 2019, 15:55
Hi, Rusty!
You must have sent your rain down here!
We were halfway through our walk, when the sun disappeared..... followed by the advent of heavy rain and a very blustery wind!
Thankfully, we are home for the day now!
It is very stormy and dark......and I have the electric lights on already!
My goodness, it must have been some "night-out", if Miss O is only returning the following afternoon!
( No doubt you will hear all about it in due course)
Yes, I agree, the cross country course was very unenterprising........and no great surprises in the results , either.
Right, coffee time!
30280 of 30765  -   Report This Post