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8th December 2019, 18:51
Good evening, Elle!
Been a mixture of weather here today.
I think the "night-out" involved a stay at Crieff Hydro hotel.
They had hired a bus, and that's all I know.
Not much of a course for the cross-country, especially for a major championship.
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8th December 2019, 20:34
Good evening, Rusty!
I have been talking to my cousin for the past hour.
It was my turn to phone this week.
All are well , but they have been having terrible weather this week - gales and heavy rain .
Miss O's outing sounds good.......and a night at the Crieff Hydro Hotel a nice culmination.
I had wondered whether they were all staying overnight somewhere as a part of the "trip".
I remember my staying at the Norbreck Hydro Hotel in Blackpool, when attending a Haematology symposium there......
My, that is taking me back a good few years!
A trip down Memory Lane!
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8th December 2019, 20:55
Hello, Elle!
Seems to have been bad weather around for a lot of folks.
Storm Atiyah is approaching Donegal and Cornwall.
Seemingly, 42 ft waves have been recorded.
I am not sure about the Crieff Hydro, but I think she mentioned something about it.
The bus got back from Crieff around dinner time today.
I missed the skiing, too!
But, apparently Vikki Rebensburg won the super-G at Lake Louise.
Shiffrin was 7th. (a great performance in an event she does not specialise in.)
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8th December 2019, 21:29
Hi, Rusty!
I hadn't heard that the waves were as high as that......the last I read was that the storm was approaching the North Cornwall and Devon coasts., with waves about 24 to 28 ft high.
There will be a lot of damage done.
Let us hope that no lives will be lost.
Have you heard from your relatives and friends in Donegal, and your friends in Belfast?
Atiyah is an unusual name.
Do you know why the storm is so called?
Good for Vikki Rebenburg....and Mikaela, too!
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8th December 2019, 21:45
Hello, Elle!
It may have been a rogue wave, Elle, but one would be enough!
No news from Belfast, I'll text them soon.
High winds in Donegal and all down the west coast.
The name Atiyah was chosen by Met Eireann, but it is a name I do not know.
Apparently, the names are chosen by the Met Office, Met Eireann, and the Dutch weather folks.
Next named storm will be Brendan.
Vikki etc skied well, and they are back in Europe next week.
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8th December 2019, 22:06
Update, Elle,
Atiyah is an Arabic girl's name, meaning "gift" or "present".
No idea why Met Eireann chose that name!
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8th December 2019, 23:01
Hi, Rusty!
Have you "spoken" to the Belfast folk?
I hope all is well?
"Atiyah" is certainly a strange name for a storm, meaning as it does "gift" or "present"......a gift one could indeed do without!
Actually, I wonder if "Atia" is a variant of the name?
I do know someone called that.
It is apparently going to be very much colder here again tomorrow!
But no mention of stormy weather.
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8th December 2019, 23:22
Hello, Elle!
Wet and very windy in Norn Iron.
And why would Met Eireann choose an Arabic name?
Seems a bit odd?

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9th December 2019, 09:59
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a lovely morning here.
Very poggy underfoot in the fields, though, after yesterday's heavy rain.
Yes , very peculiar to have chosen an Arabic name for the current storm.
I have saved the list that you sent, so that I can see "who" is coming next!
How are the Norn Iron folk faring?
I am just having a coffee , before I consider going shopping!
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9th December 2019, 10:21
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here, but it's quite cold.
The NI folk say it was wild during the night.
They got little sleep with thevnoise of the wind.
But it is a fine day now.
Hopefully Storm Atiyah has passed.
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