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6th December 2019, 22:15
Senior moment, Rusty!
Just realised what I put....meant to say "Millie"!!
30261 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2019, 22:48
Hello, Elle!
The girls texted to me that they had gone to see the new house and it was very nice and the dog was very excited to see them.
So, that's a plus, and was nice to hear.
They don't have a cat.
I have not seen Millie for ages!
She bosses the dog!
What "friend" do you be speaking about?
30262 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2019, 23:19
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, that is indeed good to hear!
The dog will sleep easier tonight now that he has seen the girls, I am sure.
And if they leave some of their belongings about for the dog to see , and smell, too......until they themselves both move in , then that will also help.
Ah, I must have dreamt the cat!
The "friend" would have been the cat ......had they had one!
My dog and cat are great friends, and really miss each other if separated ...such as when one or other has been ill, and had to be at the vets.
Right, it is getting late.....I am away to run my bath......
Sleep tight!
30263 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2019, 14:11
Good afternoon, Elle!
It's a bit dreich here.
I have been busy today.
Saw my son and the dog.
Poor dog is still unsettled, but he was very affectionate towards me.
Hopefully he will settle down soon.
30264 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2019, 15:51
Good afternoon, Rusty!
It is fine here, but dull.
It is good that you have been to visit your son....and the dog......and see the new house!
I do hope the dog settles soon.
It is a pity he is so stressed.
I am sure that it will all work out well after a few more days.
A lot of fuss and cuddles.....and the new place will soon begin to feel like home!
How is the work coming along?
I have been out looking for family cards......but cannot find what I want, locally.
I shall have to search further afield on Monday!
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7th December 2019, 16:29
Hello, Elle!
No house, just saw my son and dog.
A pity about the dog, right enough.
We have a great card shop not far off.
It only sells cards and sweets.
Cards are much cheaper than the supermarket ones.
30266 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2019, 18:48
Hi, Rusty!
We have a couple of card shops nearby....
One sells simply cards, the other is a newsagents.
I don't think I've ever bought a card from a supermarket!
I just didn't like the words in those I looked at today.......hence my going further afield on Monday.
Now, did I dream it, or did you tell me that the European Cross Country Championships were being shown on the television this weekend?
I couldn't see any sign of this in my TV guide?
30267 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2019, 18:56
Hello, Elle!
The athletics were advertised to be on Red Button, tomorrow, I think it was.
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7th December 2019, 19:25
Hi, , Rusty!
Ah yes, thank you!
I have found it......9.55 am on the Red Button, tomorrow.
I have a vague recollection now that you did tell me that it was on the Red Button!
I have set the recorder on 601, just in case I am not back from my walk, and might miss the beginning.
30269 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2019, 21:29
Hello, Elle!
Well done!
Hope it is good!
The Red Button is handy to have.
Unfortunately, the Red Button text service is disappearing at the end of January.
I use it a lot, too.
Anyway, it's Saturday night so here's a clip of Mary Chapin Carpenter and some excellent musicians and a very appreciative crowd!

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