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4th December 2019, 14:49
Good afternoon, Rusty!
My friend did not leave until just after two o'clock.
My husband has taken the car to have the mirror fixed......
And I am drinking coffee and trying to finish my crossword.
Yes, a reasonably simple puzzle even I could do (most of ) it!
I am stuck on 4d: biggest supporter in ground hit bouncer close to exit (7)
And I am unsure of the parsing in 7d?
Tyneside became consumed by one broker (9)
The answer seems to be "negotiate" = "broker" (def)
NE- Tyneside
got - became
i - one
ate - consumed
Now "negotiate" is a verb; "broker " can be both a noun and a verb...
but "broker " is used as a noun in the clue......
So can the one still define the other ?
I may not be expressing this very well, but I hope you can follow my query?
Should not both words be the same part of speech in the clue, is what I am asking?
30231 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2019, 15:34
Hello, Elle!
The clouds have cleared here and it's a lovely day!
4d, is "taproot".
Hit is "tap", bouncer is "roo", the abbreviation for kangaroo, and close to exi"t".
Yes, it is "NE got 1 ate", your parse is fine, I think.
I do not know much about nouns and verbs, Elle, but you can broker a deal, as in negotiate a deal.
There are no rules regarding puzzles, that I know of.
For me, the clue works fine.
Don't go complicating things!
30232 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2019, 17:10
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, thank you, Rusty!
Now I understand "taproot", and the parsing.......but I did not know what the word meant and had to look it up!
Thank you for clarifying "broker " and "negotiate".....
I was unsure whether they needed to be the same part of speech, as I tried to explain, but if you think the grammatical difference is okay, then I shall accept that!
I honestly do not mean to "complicate" matters ...I just like logical explanations!
Our car is now fine ...the wing mirror is mended, and the repair shop has also offered to "fix" another slight problem with our car.....
So all good!
Time to sort out dinner!
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4th December 2019, 19:06
Good evening, Elle!
I think, in the cryptic puzzles, it is safe to ignore punctuation in the clues.
I am unsure about grammatical differences, though.
I am not educated in things like that, so I tend to wing it and hope for the best!
The thing is, Elle, I am a keen reader, I love the language and exploring words and their origins, but have very little idea about grammar.
I read about the old Times crossword editor cracking the whip over the setters when he said he did not want puzzles that needed a classics education to solve.
He said the puzzles were for everyone, university professors and taxi drivers alike.
I am glad he did!
You'll be pleased to get the car fixed.
What is the other slight problem with your car?
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4th December 2019, 20:05
Hi, Rusty!
I definitely agree with you - and the old Times Editor - that the crosswords should be suitable for a broad spectrum of people to solve.
And everyone has their own particular skills to apply to the puzzles.
"One man's meat is another man's poison".... or something like that!
Each to his own speciality!
Some people are good at History and Geography, some at Sport, some at Politics or Literature etc.......
I, for instance, do get a special satisfaction if I manage to solve a Latin clue!
( And one of these days, I will crack the art of solving cryptic clues! )
The rubber seal is going on some of the car doors...especially the driver's door.
The local repair shop is going to order the parts from Volvo and then fix it all for us.
A very much cheaper option than our going to the Volvo repair depot.
Interestingly, the mechanic's Scottish wife shares my name, said with a delightful Scottish accent!
It is just like hearing my cousin talk to me again!
He always managed to put three syllables into a two syllable (when said with an English accent ) name!
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5th December 2019, 05:56
Good morning, Elle!
Raining here, and we have a weather warning in place.
The Times editor was right, I think most folk would agree.
And the variety of clues means, for me, I learn something new most days.
Long may it be that way!
Your local garage is the way to go.
Sounds a bit like the one I go to.
When I visit the garage receptionist, there is a wall covered in "thank you" cards, and they are well deserved.
I have a few things to do this morning and I think I am going to get wet!
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5th December 2019, 10:14
Good morning, Rusty!
A dull but dry day here.
Cold but meant to warm up a little, later.
I hope you are not getting too wet, carrying out your various tasks?
Yes, this local garage sounds good for various small jobs.......
Our mechanic friend usually deals with our car, but he is always very busy, and so if someone nearby can fix minor problems, it would help a lot.
I am going to make a start on writing my Christmas cards this morning!
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5th December 2019, 13:17
Good afternoon, Elle!
Wind is picking up here!
No rain so far, though.
My tasks are almost done.
My garage is very good.
The lady receptionist is a time served car mechanic and knows exactly what you are talking about when you go in about a problem.
Nothing is ever a problem for them.
All my family go there with their cars.
Another good puzzle today!
30238 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2019, 14:14
Hi, Rusty!
That is good that you have nearly finished all your jobs.
All my well laid plans went adrift.
A friend came round unexpectedly, and a lot of my time went in talking to him, instead of writing my cards!
I think dog and I will forego the afternoon walk for a play in the garden....
And then I shall knuckle down to more card sorting......
And at least that way, I shall also be here when my daughter phones on her way home.
I have missed a couple of her calls this week by being late back from my walk.
Oh dear! I need more hours in my day!
30239 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2019, 15:53
Update, Rusty!
Taking a break from card writing, I decided to do some more of my crossword.....
14a's reference to the Hindu Kush reminded me of Katie Melua's song featuring such......
Here you go :
It is on her "Piece by Piece" CD.
30240 of 30765  -   Report This Post