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1st December 2019, 10:14
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here, too, but it is a bit on the Baltic side!
It's cold!
Glad to hear you are dipping into your crossword book.
I'm sure it will be helpful.
I have a small plan.
Going to write out a list of things "to do, or, get done" in the next two weeks, with costs!
I shall sit down when writing it!
Earlier, I was exploring the origins of the hymn "I'll Fly Away" and found it very interesting!
Needless to say, I now have an earworm of said hymn!
So, an easy day, and I have the slalom from Vermont to watch around teatime.
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1st December 2019, 10:50
Hi, Rusty!
Nippy here, too!
So are these household tasks/ jobs to be done / that you are listing?
Or outside jobs?
We had to call the plumber about ten days ago.
A radiator in one of the bedrooms was coming away from the wall!
It was actually quite amusing.....when we rang him, he was in Tenerife!
On the beach!
We temporarily shored the rad up with a few bricks at the bottom, to take the weight, until the job could be done!
The plumber came on Thursday!
All fixed now.
I don't know the hymn "I'll Fly Away"?
Why were you looking it up?
What had brought it to mind?
I have an earworm.......Peter, Paul and Mary's "Leaving on a Jet plane".....
My husband mentioned "bags"..... and "All my bags are packed..." immediately came into my mind!
And now I can't stop singing it!
30192 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2019, 11:29
Hello, Elle!
My "to do" list is various things.
Roof repair is top of the list.
Buy Christmas cards for the young ones.
One or two vouchers to buy.
Wreaths and flowers.
And if needed, I'll give my son a hand with his house removal, though he has done an awful lot himself, so far.
He has a great attitude.
If something needs doing, he does it, no shilly-shallying.
I first heard "I'll Fly Away" being sung at the Kennedy Center to Johnny Cash, by his daughter, Rosanne, and Emmylou, etc.
It just appealed to me and I thought I'd explore it a bit.
Albert Brumley wrote the song and the idea came to him when he was picking cotton in the cotton fields.
I like it!
30193 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2019, 11:48
Hi, Rusty!
I, too, still have to buy the special individual cards for family members, although I have got all my other Christmas cards.
I haven't written any yet, though!
And "wreath" is also on my list!
I hadn't realised that your son had actually progressed as far as moving?
That is good to hear!
So they will be in their new home for Christmas!
Whereabouts did he buy a house, in the end?
Is it far from you?
Now that you have mentioned Johnny Cash and Rosanne, I realise that I must have heard that hymn...….
I listened to the tribute concert given to Johnny Cash...he had tears in his eyes!
I have just had a canvasser at my door, wanting to know for whom I am going to vote......
30194 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2019, 12:05
Hello, Elle!
I may treat me to a new Chromebook, too, depending on how things go, and costs.
My son and family move on Friday.
But, actually, he has been moving stuff into his store for weeks.
Fingers crossed all goes well.
My roof gets done the same day!
The new hoose is just over a ten minute drive from me, on the edge of town.
That's right, Johnny Cash was in tears, and so was Bill Clinton!
I think the ex-President is a bit sentimental, on the quiet!
I thought Rosanne was super, that day, in her tribute to her father.
That's when I first heard "I'll Fly Away".
It was great with the gospel choir.
Apparently, in the USA it is a very popular choice at funerals.
I have had no canvassers here.
I posted my vote a couple of days ago.
30195 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2019, 13:12
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Ah, that explains the flooring your son recently bought at B& Q being "stored"!
It sounds as though he is planning to do quite a bit of work on the new property?
I hope moving day goes well!
You will miss his being only 500 yards away!
But 10 minutes drive is still quite close.
Now your that just a repair?
You are hopefully not needing a new roof?
That would certainly be costly!
I shall find "I'll Fly Away" and listen to it again...I thought Rosanne very good.
This lady was the only political canvasser that we have so far had.....although a lot of propaganda leaflets have come through the door!
We vote at the polling station on the day!
I am going to make a coffee now.......
And then think about another walk!
30196 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2019, 13:34
Hello, Elle!
My son has a unit connected with his business.
So, that's where he is storing his stuff.
It's a roof repair.
My pal is doing it.
Several battens to be replaced, and a different area will be sealed using some "wonder material".
Can't remember exactly what is it called.
It's like Triflex, anyway.
Time I had a coffee!
30197 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2019, 16:40
Hi, Rusty!
I am just home from my walk...
Brrh! it is extremely cold out.
There are now Christmas trees for sale up at Crystal Palace Park, but I am not sure whether they are Sholach trees?
In previous years the notices have stated that...but this year, the advertisement just says "The Christmas Forest".
Seemingly no mention of whence the trees have come?
But I only viewed from a distance, so may find out more another day.
Ah, I am getting is your friend Li who is repairing your roof!
My brain is obviously in slow mode today, but I am joining the dots!
Another coffee is obviously called for here!
What time is the skiing scheduled?
30198 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2019, 17:00
Hello, Elle!
It is very cold here, too!
I fancy it would say if they were Sholach trees?
Yes, my buddy Li is doing the work!
Be great seeing him, and lending a hand.
It is a wee while before the skiing is on.
They are showing both 1st and 2nd runs.
But only the 2nd run is "live".
But I am hearing that after the 1st run Mikaela Shiffrin has an enormous lead of more than a second.
She leads Petra Vlhova and Wendy Holdener.
I'm looking forward to it!
By the way, those three are great friends!
30199 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2019, 18:17
Good evening, Rusty!
Your son did well to sell his present property and buy another one relatively quickly.
Our elder daughter is still trying to sell her is quite a while now since it was put on the market.
She tells me they may take it off for a period...certainly over the festive season.
There is no immediate hurry to sell.......the main reason for moving is the lack of public transport from their village to her elder son's secondary school.
She is driving him to and from at present...but he won't want mum taking him to school for much longer must interfere with his "street cred"!
Yes, you will be looking forward to watching the skiing!
Friendly rivalry!
We haven't had the TV on since watching "Eggheads" on Friday!
I do have a recording of a "Casualty" episode awaiting me, though.
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