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30th November 2019, 20:37
Hi, Rusty!
I like mackerel...was it smoked ? I enjoy that.
We have had sausages and onions, with fried potatoes.
I have three clues that I cannot fully parse.
9a: Sound of Monteverdi, perhaps not 10CC? (5)
I have "audio" = "sound "(definition )
22d: Friend from that time protecting me (5)
"amigo" = friend (def)
But cannot see why in either instance?
And then the one that you mentioned .......
16d:A masculine home counties boy gone up north (8)
I have "dalesman"
SE - Home Counties
lad - boy
Both reversed - gone up north
Then I got stuck...
man - a masculine? (sounds a bot odd?)
But what is the definition?
30181 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2019, 20:38
Sorry typo..."bit" odd!
30182 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2019, 20:47
Hi elle
10cc is a centilitre - CL
Monteverdi's first name was....?

"ago" is "from that time", but "me" to give "mi"???

Is 16 a misfiring attempt at an &lit?
30183 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2019, 20:49
Hello, Elle!
Yes, smoked mackerel, i prefer it that way.
9 Monteverdi was called (Cl)"audio".
I wonder does 10CC have anything to do with Cl?
22, I see "ago" as from that time, and "mi" is an alternate spell of "me" in music.
16, This is my effort!
"A" in clue, "m" is masculine, Home Counties is "SE", boy is "lad", reversed, giving "dalesma", plus "n" for north.
Giving "dalesman", who could be a Yorkshireman.
That's the way I see it.
What definition are you meaning?
30184 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2019, 21:29
Hi, Rusty!
Ah yes, I see 9a, now that you have very kindly explained it!
I did not know that Monteverdi's first name was "Claudio"!
10cc = 1 centilitre (cl)
I was thrown by the two capital letters for "cc" (cubic centimetres)
Re 22d: I had wondered about "ago" - "from that time"....but couldn't fit in the "mi" part.
I'm still not happy about that? there is no mention of music in the clue?
16d: "dalesman " has to have a 'definition' ..every clue has one...... so what is it ?
It could perhaps be "up north"?
But I took that as the 'indicator' to reverse the various parts that make up "dalesman"?
Like Chris mentioned, I had wondered could the clue be an "&lit"?
What do you think?
( I really must get down to studying my new crossword book!)

Hello, Chris!
I cannot reconcile "mi" with "me" either....
I missed the centilitre, because the capital "C"s confused me!
30185 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2019, 21:39
Hi elle
I think it was "10CC" as that was what the band titled themselves, thus giving misdirection. Slightly unfair, I agree.
"me" for the note is just wrong, deriving, as it does, from that appalling song!
30186 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2019, 21:44
Hello, Elle!
I did not know Monteverdi's first name, too, but I wondered if it would help with the answer, and I looked it up, and it did!
But, I did not know CL was 10cc. I presumed it was something to do with it, though.
22d, I don't see why music should be mentioned in the clue?
Mi and me are alternates of each other in music.
That should be clue enough?
16d, "up" means reversed, and you need north for "n".
Dalesman is the answer. Do you think there is something missing?
I have checked online and the clue is the same as in the paper.
I have mentioned before to you, Elle, I do not know what "&lit" means.
I just solve the clues in a simple fashion and that is enough for me.
30187 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2019, 22:11
Hi, Rusty!
Very well thought out there, never occurred to me to think that Monteverdi's first name might be part of the reasoning!
This is why you are so good at these cryptic clues...and I am still struggling!
"Floundering" perhaps one might say!
As far as I can see with 16d.. the definition is missing?
The only explanation I can see is that it must be considered to be an "&lit" clue - where the whole clue serves as both the wordplay and definition.
There definitely must be a "definition" one way or another......
I cannot see any other explanation.....although I am such a novice at this , that I accept that I may easily have it wrong.
Yes, I know that you do not like these convoluted crossword "terms"....but I am trying to learn (and understand ) them from my book!
It is going very cold.....but still dry out.
I do not think we have any plans for tomorrow.... a "take it easy" day.
How about you?
Any plans for the Pine Cone?
30188 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th November 2019, 22:40
Hello, Elle!
My last word on dalesman.
I have explained to you where each part of the word "dalesman" comes from in the clue.
It is a simple clue.
Of course you may call the clue and answer whatever you fancy, but I am not going down that road.
It's only a simple puzzle to me.
What I did learn, earlier, when investigating "mi/me" is that they are called "Aretinian syllables", after Guido of Arezzo, an ancient Italian lad.
I'll never remember that!
How are you getting on with your puzzle book?
Is it helpful?
It's minus two here, and hard frost!
No Pine Cone tomorrow.
30189 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st December 2019, 09:44
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
And lovely one it is, too.......pale blue sky, sunshine ...and dry!
Yes, I think my puzzle book will prove to be very informative and helpful.......when I have the time to study it properly!
I have only dipped into it so far, as I have been very tied up with various projects this last week or two......
You did well, finding the book for me! Thank you again.
I have a friend coming around for morning coffee later...but otherwise the day is free!
Do you have any plans?
30190 of 30765  -   Report This Post