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21st October 2019, 21:24
Hello, Chris!
I'm probably way off beam here...but just as a matter of interest ( even if not the answer to your question)......
"Winter Holiday" is the fourth Arthur Ransome book in the "Swallows and Amazons" series.
29601 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2019, 21:29
Absolutely correct, elle - "Swallows and Amazon" was the answer!
29602 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2019, 21:53
Update, Rusty!
I have just checked......Laura Ingalls Wilder.
29603 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2019, 22:02
Hello, Elle!
"Two of a Kind" was on one of the children's channels.

Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote the Little House books.
"Little House in the Big Woods" was one.
Here is the opening scenes of the TV series.

Charles Ingalls is played by Michael Landon, who also played Little Joe Cartwright in "Bonanza".
I was reading up on Dan Blocker, who played Hoss Cartwright.
He weighed 14lbs when he was born, and grew to 6ft 4ins.
He served as an Infantry Sergeant in the Korean War, and was awarded the Purple Heart and several other medals.
He was only 42 when he died.

I have cleared a lot of my programmes from my recorder, too.
Kept Nicola Benedetti at the British Library, and some musical programmes.
29604 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2019, 22:48
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the clip!
I liked the look/sound of the TV series "Little House on the Prairie"......
It looks a nice , innocent , family sort of show........just what I would have liked.
I recognised Michael Landon as "Little Joe" in "Bonanza"!
"Hoss" was one of my favourite characters ... a lovely gentle man.....
I think "Bonanza" did not last long after Dan Blocker's death?
I've just cleaned up the dog, after a trip out into the garden...still raining!
29605 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2019, 23:17
Hello, Elle!
Little House on the Prairie was a good show.
Yes, a family show.
Dan Blocker (Hoss) was apparently a lovely man off screen as well.
Everyone speaks well of him.
He died of a pulmonary embolism after gall bladder surgery.
They don't seem to make these kind of shows anymore, more's the pity.
And one thing all these shows like Bonanza, The Waltons, Wagon Train, Little House etc had in common,... it never seemed to rain.
Always great weather!
29606 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2019, 10:08
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
A lovely sunny, but chilly, morning!
A pleasant and invigorating walk.....
And still five Egyptian goslings on the lake.
I'm thinking there is a good chance that these might survive now.
No specific plans for today.
I shall try to catch up on some paperwork ...and write a few emails......
And maybe ...just maybe...succeed in completing today's puzzle !
Fingers crossed!
29607 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2019, 12:51
Good afternoon, Elle!
It is dry but cold here, too.
I was out earlier.
Had a couple of chores to do.
Good luck with your puzzle!
12a, and 14a are new words to me.
I think I have the correct answer to 23a, but it just doesn't look correctly spelled!
A good test today!
29608 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2019, 13:50
Hi, Rusty!
Still glorious here!
I do not mind the is just great to see the sun.....and its presence has a warming psychological effect, even if providing no real heat!
A good puzzle today !
Most heartening for me, after my frustrating struggles yesterday!
There is only one I cannot do.....
14d: With some footballers speed is key (9)
And a homophone that I did not like in 24a: dagga
Obviously it is supposed to sound like "dagger"....from Macbeth's "Is that a dagger that I see before me?"
And "dagga" is a new word for me, too.
As is "swayback". in 13a.
I would have spelled "bused" with a double "s" !
I especially liked 1d: four-poster bed ; and 5d: no dice
("Even Homer Nods"...I liked that one!)
Yes, I feel better now!
29609 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd October 2019, 13:58
Hello, Elle!
Yes, a fine puzzle today!
Now you should have got 14.
The footballers can be "backs" and the speed is "pace".
Giving "backspace" for a key.
I had no idea about Macbeth and dagger.
Thank you for the explanation.
I did not know "dagga", but Anne Bradford did!
I agree with "bussed", "bused" just looks wrong!
29610 of 30765  -   Report This Post