Hi, Rusty!
I hope it was your "helper" who went up to fix the guttering, and you did not repeat your recent performance of climbing up on the roof?
A tent? Honestly, Rusty!
You do but jest, I hope?
You know how I hate camping!
And could you just envisage trying to keep a cat restrained and safe on a camping site?
He would get lost....
And in any case, because he is disabled, he cannot go outside.
But I am sure you must be joking......
But I have maybe made a little progress ....I have emailed two agencies to see if they would ask two owners whether we might bring the cat to their respective holiday houses.
The Agency staff very kindly agreed to do this ...so I am now awaiting the replies ...
I am not holding out much hope...but "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"!
I hope your Chromebook is okay......does it perhaps need a new battery?