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18th May 2019, 14:02
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Still lovely here...
It hasn't warmed up much, but I do not really mind about that!
The sunshine will do me....who cares about the temperature?
I have semi- abandoned today's crossword....
I may ask you for some help later...but at the moment there are just far too many that I cannot parse .....
You would be fed up with me!
Right, I am not going to waste another moment of this beautiful weather .....
Dog and I are on our way out for a walk!
27321 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2019, 15:25
Good afternoon, Elle!
Still a bit rainy here.
I have not been out since morning.
Keeping an eye on the cycling and the racing at Newbury.
Best thing to do, Elle, is put your puzzle away for a while.
That often helps when/if you return to it.
How is the cat getting on?
27322 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2019, 16:49
Hi, Rusty!
We are has stayed fine here.
You will have been busy with cycling and horse racing both competing for your attention!
And golf too coming up?
I have nothing to view today.....but tomorrow should be a good day for me.....with the second Diamond League, the Great Manchester Run, and then later the exhibition tennis and music show at Wimbledon!
I am looking forward to all that.
The cat remains so-so.......I am not overly happy about him...he is eating a bit, but not a lot (I sound like Paul Daniels!)
He is drinking adequately though.
But I don't think he has a temperature and he does not seem to be in pain......
I am keeping a close eye on him.
Thank you for asking.
I can't make any further headway with the crossword!
27323 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2019, 17:00
Hello, Elle!
The rain has stopped here.
I had the central heating on for a short while!
There was only one horse race I was interested in.
I hope to see the golf later.
The cat sounds as if he has improved, though.
A pity about your crossword puzzle.
Maybe best chuck it and wait to tackle the Everyman tomorrow?
27324 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2019, 17:32
Hi, Rusty!
We have not yet switched off our central heating "for the Summer".
There are thermostatic valves on each individual radiator, though, so the radiator will automatically go off if it reaches the set temperature.
Yes, think the cat has improved but is not yet fully recovered!
Our own vet is back from holiday this coming week, if needs be , she will be able to treat him.
It will be better, as she knows the cat well.
Yes, the crossword is duly abandoned.....
I have completed the grid and am sure that all the answers are correct...there is just some iffy parsing that I cannot do!
But for once, I don't care! I have laboured enough.....
We are being lazy and going to the chip shop for tonight's (takeaway) dinner!
27325 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2019, 20:05
Hello, Elle!
My CH has been off for about a week, but it felt a bit chilly today, so I put it on for a wee while.
Hope your cat does not need the vet again, but the one who knows him best, is the best one to treat him, if need be.
Some of the parses took a bit of work, Elle.
No harm in that, though!
I had the other kipper for my tea (I bought a pair yesterday).
27326 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2019, 21:06
Hi, Rusty!
We have had a lovely evening
We have been "tidying" in the garden, but it is beginning to go dark now.
I came in to wash my hair!
No "Casualty" tonight, as it is the Eurovision Song Contest.
I shall not watch that.....
I am reading a book by Michael Connelly.
I enjoy a detective/ murder story when I want to relax!
27327 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th May 2019, 22:25

Hello, Elle!
Well, it has been a wet day here but appears to be dry now.
It is many years since I watched Eurovision Song Contest.
I am watching the golf, off and on.
Will pay more attention to tomorrow's final round.
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18th May 2019, 22:45
The problem with watching the golf is that you see a player get into trouble and want to keep watching to see what they do next. I really ought to go to bed - I've to get up early tomorrow (to play golf, of course!)
27329 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th May 2019, 10:14
Good morning, Rusty!
A fine day here!
A bit misty as yet, but already warmish.
We are just back from our walk...... very quiet out this morning.
I am now going to have a coffee and take a look at the Everyman, before the Sports programmes start!
You are off out to the Pine Cone this morning, with Miss O, aren't you?
27330 of 30765  -   Report This Post