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1st May 2019, 20:12
Hello, Ros!
Yes, I have a "tick remover"!
A nifty little gadget with a different size device at either end for said removal.
The down side to this was that in twenty odd years I had not yet seen a tick...and was uncertain how to do the "lift and twist" necessary to ensure that the tick's head did not remain in the dog.
So I decided to go to the vets for a demonstration...…

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1st May 2019, 20:19
Hi, Rusty!
My dog has strong ideas about who should or should not "treat" her.......
Unfortunately, our usual vet is away on holiday.....
The visit was not a roaring success.
But there should not be an ongoing problem unless the tick was infected .
Your friend was extremely unlucky.
Yes, you will be disappointed about Ruby's retirement.
But it is good that he is going out on a "high!!
Did you get the chance to do today's crossword?
I found it rather difficult?
There are two that I cannot do....
9a: Gas container about right for heavy- duty machine (10)
14d: Salad ingredient broadcaster eats cold with over half of chips (9)
What should I be looking for?
27012 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2019, 20:23
Radicchio, elle, a salad ingrdient (I do not eat leaves!)
27013 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2019, 20:26
Maybe jawbreaker or some variant of this.
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1st May 2019, 20:52
Hello, Elle!
Yes, my pal was very unlucky, but he has recovered somewhat.
Ah, Ruby was a class act!
A highly intelligent, funny man, and one of the all time great jockeys.
He'll be missed!
Now, you're puzzle!
9, is jaw beaker with "r" inside it.
Apparently is a crushing machine, which I had not heard of.
14, is "radio"/broadcaster, "c" for cold, and over half of "chi"ps.
Radicchio. I have no idea what is it, but it goes on salad!
How's that?
27015 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2019, 21:48
Hi, Rusty!
So that is now Ruby, his sister Katie, and sister- in law Nina all retired?
You will be missing a lot of familiar faces!
I did not really like today's crossword....but maybe perhaps my mind wasn't really on it ......
Thank you for the answers to those errant clues......and for the parsings.
I had never heard of a "jawbreaker"...nor of "radicchio"!
Google tells me it is a leaf chicory?
I am no wiser!

Thank you, Ros!
I'm not very fond of "leaves" myself!
27016 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2019, 22:03
Hello, Elle!
I thought the crossword was OK.
There is always something to learn in it, every day!
I think the radicchio is a sort of purple leaf thing!
Yes, Ruby has followed the girls in the family.
I'm sure Willie Mullins will miss him, too.
Here is a little clip I liked.
It was on the Late, Late, Show, and the guests were Katie, Ruby, and their father, Ted Walsh, who trains horses, too.
Ted could normally talk the back legs off a donkey.
It is the only time I have ever seen Ted struggling for words when Ryan Tubridy put him on the spot!
Was funny!

27017 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2019, 22:12
Radicchio has quite large purple leaves with some white. Being chicory, it tastes a little bitter. I think most salad leaves are a complete waste of time! must be about 90% ater
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1st May 2019, 22:43
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the clip...I do not know the Late, Late Show?
It was amusing seeing / hearing Ted being put up on the spot about Katie being his favourite child .....Ruby did not seem to mind though!
There is a Ted Walsh Junior, is there not?
Married to Nina Carberry?
I think I have got them all sorted out right in my head?
27019 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2019, 22:57
Hello, Elle,
The Late, Late Show is on RTE, one of the Irish channels.
That will be how you've not heard of it.
Host is Ryan Tubridy.
Yes, young Ted is married to Nina.
I liked that Ruby is Ted's fourth favourite child!
Ted was almost speechless!
And talking of "speechless", on a more serious note, on the same show, Katie spoke of the terrible stammer she had when she was young and how she struggled with it, and eventually conquered it.
Have a look?

27020 of 30765  -   Report This Post