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1st May 2019, 23:19
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, yes, I hadn't noticed that it said "RTE" under the video clip.
That was very courageous of Katie to admit to having had a stammer, and talk about it on the show.
Hopefully, too, hearing about that, and how she conquered it , might help some one else?
I am going to see my friend again far as I know, there is still not a date set for her daughter's funeral.
This is a very hard time for her.

27021 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st May 2019, 23:32
Hello, Elle!
It is a popular show, and Ryan Tubridy is a very popular host on TV and radio.
Katie did very well speaking about her affliction.
I liked Ruby's remark at the very end, "And she's never stopped talking since!"
Yes, I am sure others with that affliction could perhaps learn a bit from Katie and her story of her struggle.
Your poor friend.
It's good you are putting time aside to be with her, in her time of need.
27022 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd May 2019, 10:00
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
It is a lovely morning sky, sunshine....with the temperature even reaching double figures.
I think rain is forecast for mid afternoon though.
I am away to meet my friend very shortly.
I shall be home about teatime.........catch up with you later.
27023 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd May 2019, 10:19
Good morning, Elle!
Cloudy morning here!
I'm just home.
Been away getting door keys cut.
Another wee job out of the way!
Hope all goes well at your friend's!
27024 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd May 2019, 16:51
Hi, Rusty!
It is pouring down here...I only just made it home in time.
The rain fortunately was two hours later than promised/threatened!
My friend is doing okay...coping as well as she can under the circumstances.
I think the funeral will be the week after next.
We went out for lunch which was nice.
How has your day been?
27025 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd May 2019, 20:36
Good evening, Elle!
No rain here!
Glad to hear your friend is coping.
My day has been fine.
Bought one or two things for my grandson to help getting the house ready.
My son was here and has just left.
27026 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd May 2019, 21:04
Good evening, Rusty!
It is still raining here.
But at least we are indoors...warm and dry!
And the dog is fine...fortunately none the worse for her encounter with a tick!
You will have enjoyed a good chat with your son.
I missed the daily phone call from my daughter today, as I wasn't back at home in time.
So........what have you bought for your grandson?
27027 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd May 2019, 21:19
Hello, Elle!
Good news about the dog!
I have bought my grandson a fine pair of scissors, bin bags, bleach, and a BT telephone.
I may think of other things, yet.
He is coming to see me on Monday
27028 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd May 2019, 21:45
Hi, Rusty!
It is the dog's birthday today...she is ten!
But she still thinks she is about two - and runs about accordingly.
She is luckily showing no signs of slowing down.
You could buy your grandson towels?
Bath towels.....tea towels...oven gloves?
Pegs for the washing line......
Gardening implements?
A kitchen clock?
27029 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 07:52
Good morning, Elle!
Fine dry day here, but a tad cooler.
I notice the two "Forte" threads on the main page are out of chronological order.
Wonder how that happened?
Anyway, I am just sticking to basic supplies for my grandson, Elle.
Stuff for cleaning etc before they move in.
Things like kitchen clocks I'll leave to them to purchase.
All my clocks are silent, for instance, but others may prefer ticking clocks.
On today's shopping list are key tags, cleaning cloths, and whatever else jumps into my head.
Think they get the keys on Tuesday.
27030 of 30765  -   Report This Post