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3rd May 2019, 19:22
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, that's right... the 'original' J-cloth is so called because it was made by Johnson and Johnson.
Sorry.....I omitted to answer earlier, when you asked me that!
No, unfortunately, we shan't see BB in his race, as it is rather a way off....down in Kent.
My daughter is working there as a volunteer tomorrow, which is how BB came to be taking part in a race so far away.
He is coming over here on Sunday, though, so will tell us all about it then!
27041 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 19:39
Hello, Elle!
ASDA do not sell J-cloths.
I had a look on-line when I came home after not seeing any in the store.
Maybe your daughter can take a photo of BB in his race, or a video?
I forgot about the Diamond League being on in Doha this evening.
The only result I know is that Caster Semenya won the 800 metres.
Still no hatching at the loch!
27042 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 20:18
Hi, Rusty!
These are they, Rusty!
They just do not call them "J-cloths"!
But they are the same thing......
I am sure that my daughter will take photos, if she herself is able to watch the race.
I am not sure just where - or for what race - she will be working as a volunteer.
She has never done this before, so I am unsure just what it involves?
We do not get coverage of the Doha Opening Diamond League event until tomorrow.
The BBC is showing it from 1.15pm..... there is only an hour's viewing, so presumably only Highlights?
I was going to mention it to you, but forgot.
Re the osprey eggs...this long delay bodes ill.......
I fear that the first egg laid, at least, in not going to hatch......
27043 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 20:45
Hello, Elle!
Is this your feminine logic at work here?
"These are J-cloths but they do not call them J-cloths."
"They call them ASDA cloths."
I got those Elle, and micro-fibre cloths.
Plenty cleaning stuff, now.
I have a spare wireless they may want.
I'll ask my grandson on Monday.
I think the Doha coverage on Eurosport was fairly brief, too.
I am beginning to wonder if any of the eggs will hatch?
27044 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 21:25
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, it is like "hoovering".....
Now we all say we will "hoover" or get the "hoover"..... even when the machine might happen to be a "Dyson" or a whatever!
This is the same thing!
'Lookalike' cleaning cloths have come to be regarded as "J-cloths", even if made by Tesco!
Trust me.....!
Did you think of getting washing up liquid and tea towels?
Your son and his girlfriend might need those if offering drinks to the workmen and helpers.
And of course the occasional mug?
I shall set the recorder for the Doha Diamond League, although I am expecting to be here to watch it at the time.
27045 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 21:37
Hello, Elle!
I don't say "hoover", I never have.
It is sloppy speech and is to be avoided for reasons of accuracy.
Must keep up the standards, Elle!
My vacuum cleaner is an "Asda" own brand.
No, you are not getting away with calling Asda cloths, J-cloths.
I was up and down the aisle looking for something that did not exist!
A wild goose chase!
I bought a bottle of Fairy washing up liquid, or do you have another name for it?
No tea towels, though.
Would the kitchen towels do, d'ye think?
27046 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 21:58
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, you could use paper towels...but I dare say a couple of tea towels would not go amiss?
Have you read this?
It is very interesting.
It does not sound as thought the Rangers are giving up on the osprey eggs yet?
27047 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 22:13
Hello, Elle!
What are tea towels used for?
I do not have one, and my local does not use them for drying glasses.
Not sure if they are allowed to or not, with hygiene in mind?
Yes, I read that a couple of days ago.
I had a look at the Loch Garten nest just now and it is covered in snow!
27048 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th May 2019, 10:11
Good morning, Rusty!
We are just back from the park.
It is a beautiful morning here!
Very cold....only 4C, but I'm happy with that.
A warm jacket and a pair of gloves, and it is perfect weather for a brisk energetic walk!
A good day, too, for BB's charity run.
I have no specific plans for today...other than to watch the Athletics!
How about you?
27049 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th May 2019, 10:57
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here, too,
There was a touch of frost earlier.
Yes, perfect walking weather!
31C in Orlando, Florida, just now.
My son is heading there this week.
One of tbe ASDA girls gave me a tour of the tea towel department today!
May buy something there on Monday!
The 2000 Guineas horse race is today, that's the only thing of sporting interest for me today.
Have you ever been to the National Portrait Gallery at London?
27050 of 30765  -   Report This Post