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3rd May 2019, 10:13
Good morning, Rusty!
It is cold and damp here.......
I could not see two "Forte" threads?
Has one been removed for some reason?
I am sure you are wise to stick to basics for your grandson....otherwise I guess there might be a clash of personal tastes .
I was going to suggest plenty of J-cloths - always useful - but I see you have already got cleaning cloths on your list.
How about toilet paper and paper towels?
I am going to make a coffee - and maybe have a chocolate muffin.......and take a look at the crossword!
27031 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 11:03
Hello, Elle!
One "Forte" thread has vanished and the remaining one shows an error.
On the main page the last post is Belleken at 21.10, but on opening the thread the last post is by Chips at 21.35.
Is that what you have, or is it at my end the problem is?
Yes, that is my thought, Elle, regarding buying stuff for others.
You'll have to explain J-cloths to me?
I have not happened across them before.
I think kitchen/paper towels is a very good suggestion, thank you, I'll get some tomorrow.
Bought a tape measure and a Mr Muscle cleaning fluid today.
I've done the puzzle. Not too easy.
And the dear Lord only knows what the homothingy is supposed to be in 11a!
And 7d is not a homothingy to me, too!
A good test, though!
27032 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 12:02
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, I did not open the "Forte" thread and read it....I just took note of there being only one.......
Yes, I have the same thing as you - a discrepancy in the timings.
J-cloths, Rusty, are well -known cleaning cloths (usually blue; but can also be green or pink) sold in packets, and are to be found in all Supermarkets..... such as Asda, Tesco, Sainsburys, Aldi, Wilko.....
They can also be found on Amazon and eBay.
I am astounded that you have never "encountered" one?
Google them and see a picture.
I am sure the Asda staff will kindly "find" them for you!
The cloths are washable and reusable!
I think your grandson will find them very useful
How about a floor mop?
And don't forget the loo rolls!
Now....... the homophones......
11a: chihuahua = canine (def)
ch - companion
wower - one impressing
As far as I can reproduce it phonetically, "chihuahua" sounds like "chi wower"
I cannot help you with / comment on / 7d, though, as I haven't managed do that one yet!
27033 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 12:54
Hello, Elle!
I am sure I know your J-cloths, but did not know they had a name,
Why "J"?
I have already bought "microfibre cloths" for cleaning.
I'll maybe go over to ASDA when I go for a stroll, to see them.
I am thinking "Post-it" notes and a couple of pens, too.
What in the name of the wee man is a "wower", at all?!
I've heard of a wowser, but there is no "wower" in my Collins or Chambers.
I would say "chiwawa" for the wee dog.
7d is a very good clue, I thought, but not a homothingy North of the border!
27034 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 14:12
Good afternoon, Rusty!
If this link works, this is how I would pronounce "chihuahua" .... and how I have always heard it said ?
Could a "wower" not be "someone who wows"?
I have finished - after a desultory fashion - the puzzle.......or at least , as much of it as I can do!
There is one clue that I cannot do....16d: W?A?D?T?E
I am sure that the letters are correct.
And four that I cannot yet parse........
I shall mull these last parsings over for while, though, before seeking help!
Inspiration may yet strike!
My favourite clues are 14a: philtre ; 24a: botch ( I am well acquainted with Hieronymus Bosch!); and 13d:apocalypse.
No, I , too, would not pronounce "Mahdi" as "Mardi"!
27035 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 14:30
Hello, Elle!
I got my grandson kitchen rolls, and two screwdrivers.
Now, the link you gave featured a woman pronouncing the names of food items, no sign of a chihuahua.
And she got "raspberry" wrong.
She allowed the "p" in raspberry is silent, which is nonsense!
I have never heard of a wower, but it may be someone who "wows".
How do you "wow"?
I do not have my puzzle to hand, but 16d if I remember correctly is an American hen called a "Wyandotte".
Mahdi/Mardi is not good, although the clue was!
27036 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 14:59
Oops, sorry, Rusty!
One further attempt.....
Try this
I think the problem is that the link moves on very quickly from one thing to the next......
Sorry, I do not understand 16d?
The clue is :Yawned, struggling to eat too much chicken (9)
Yes, screwdrivers are an excellent idea....did you include a Phillips?
27037 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 15:24
Hello, Elle!
My pronunciation is slightly different.
16 is an anagram of "yawned" eating "OTT".
"Too much" is "over the top/OTT".
Yes, I bought a pack of two, one plain and one Phillips.
May be useful!
27038 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 16:58
Hi, Rusty!
I have just been talking to my daughter.
She had a day off work today, as BB's school had an Inset day ( a teachers' training day. Do you have them in Scotland?)
The school is closed to the pupils, and only the teachers attend.
They used to be called "Baker" days after Kenneth Baker.
Tomorrow is the "big race"!
BB is doing his sponsored race for the Macmillan Cancer charity.
We are very proud of him!
27039 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd May 2019, 17:07
Hello, Elle!
I am not sure of inset days up here.
Miss O would know, but she's off down to Newcastle for the weekend, I think.
Best wishes to BB tomorrow.
Of course you're very proud of him!
I have the same feeling for my young ones.
Are you going to cheer him on?
Or, a bit far away?
Chambers tell me the "J" in J-cloth is from the manufacturer's name "J"ohnson and Johnson.
27040 of 30765  -   Report This Post