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10th April 2019, 22:49
Update, Elle!
Here's a clip of Shane Lowry celebrating a hole-in-one with his daughter!

26681 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th April 2019, 10:15
Good morning, Rusty!
We have another lovely day here.... very cold though!
Only 2C so far.
The golf , including family support , sounded - and looked - great fun!
And you will have the Masters to watch today......
We have family arriving some time this afternoon, but we also have a PPG to attend at 2pm at the GP surgery, so I hope daughter remembers her key! and the crossword!
26682 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th April 2019, 10:44
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here, too.
The Par 3 golf was great fun.
Very much a family affair.
The serious stuff starts today.
What does PPG mean?
Good luck with your puzzle!
26683 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th April 2019, 11:20
Hi, Rusty!
PPG stands for "Patient Participation Group", and is a recruited panel of patients who work with the doctors and staff at the surgery to improve services offered, where possible.
I think these groups are set up at many GP surgeries across the country, although I have a feeling that they are optional, and it is up to the individual GP whether they are set in motion.
It will be interesting to see what comes up at the meeting, now that we have a new head GP and practice manager setup.
I shall report back, if anything "strange or startling" emerges at this afternoon's meeting!
I am " tidying" and crosswording at the same time!
26684 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th April 2019, 11:49
Hello, Elle!
I think my practice has a similar group, too.
I never hear much about it, though.
I have completed my puzzle.
2d, 7d, and 22a, are new words to me.
Took me ages to get 22a and 16a !
Great weather here today!
26685 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th April 2019, 12:53
Hi, Rusty!
I rather think that anyone who wishes has a right to attend these PPGs?
So if you wish to do so, Rusty, you can ask to go along and offer your input.
We were both approached by the doctor/ practice manager to take part.
My husband has been involved since the start of these meetings a few years ago, under the previous regime...but I only became interested when the new practice manager approached me about it, at the last public meeting to discuss the future of the practice.
So today's meeting is a first for me.
I shall dabble my toe in the water......!
I must go and get changed....I doubt they will want me in my present state.....
(I rather resemble my shaggy dog!)
26686 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th April 2019, 13:43
Hello, Elle!
One of your London hospitals gets a mention in the puzzle today!
I had not heard of it.
I have looked up my GP practice website and we have a PAG.
Patient Advisory Group.
I was asked to help with something years ago at the practice.
It was to do with mobile 'phones and emails, as I remember.
It did not last long and as far as I know, the system is running well.
We get mobile 'phone alerts for appointments etc.
Do you have your maiden speech ready for the meeting?
Anyway, good luck with your meeting!
26687 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th April 2019, 16:04
Hi, Rusty!
Home daughter nor grandsons sitting on the doorstep, so we have obviously beaten them to it!
I though the meeting went well......I like the new partner practice manager, who seems a decent sort of guy.
We covered a range of aspects, and it seemed time well spent.
(We were even offered tea or coffee, and given doughnuts!)
The Patient Advisory Group is yet another organisation...different from the PPG ..........although I am not sure what the PAG does?
Yes, University College Hospital is in Gower Street.
It isn't all that far from where I worked at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases in Queen Square.
"Garth " is a new word for me.....but I knew that "proscenium " meant "stage".
I still have four clues unaccounted for in the crossword ....... but will take another look before I ask for help!
26688 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th April 2019, 16:48
Hello, Elle!
There are folk out sunbathing here!
My idea is the PAG is to explore ideas to be beneficial to patients and medical staff.
I have had an early tea tonight.
Hoping my son visits tonight.
26689 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th April 2019, 17:42
Hi, Rusty!
Wow, it must be warm in your neck of the woods, if folk are sunbathing!
Sunny, but still chilly here!
I cannot quite distinguish between the two committees , but will ask the practice manager at the next quarterly meeting.
I was aware of the existence of PAGs, but no one has ever brought up the subject, so I do not know if there is one at our practice.
I am on a learning curve at the moment!
I am playing board games.......
I hope your son comes to visit!
26690 of 30765  -   Report This Post