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8th April 2019, 16:33
Hello, Elle!
A family visit! Very good!
You must be excited!
Jin-Young Ko was in good company for her jump!
Her caddie was making his third jump into the pond.
Nowadays Poppie's Pond is very clean and hygenic, unlike back in 88 when Amy Alcott took the first jump!
I see Lassie on the nest.
Lovely day at the loch, and the forecast here is good for the next few days.
26651 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th April 2019, 16:42
Update, Elle!
From my local paper.
There has been a nest dispute not too far from me!
26652 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th April 2019, 16:49
Interesting about the fight between the ospreys and the geese, rusty! It's rather unusual for geese to want an osprey nest - they generally nest on the ground.
26653 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th April 2019, 17:42
Hello, Chris!
I thought that geese nested on the ground, too, but these geese were not for budging!
There are more photos in the actual paper which unfortunately were not included in the online article.
Defiant geese in the nest squawking at the incoming ospreys!
26654 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th April 2019, 19:17
Good evening, Rusty!
I have been reading your article about the nest dispute!
What a to-do!
And all the more surprising because I had thought that geese always nested on the ground?
Mind you, up in the air might be a lot safer?
Our second lot of goslings in the park are now reduced from six to two......
The other goose family is nesting by the lower lake...
I wonder how many babies have been eaten by the turtles?
My daughter had a "Take your child to work" day, today!
BB had a great time!
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8th April 2019, 19:53
Good evening, Elle!
Yes, a bit of a carry-on at Balgavies!
I delved into this story and discovered the ospreys had to chase off a heron in a previous year!
I thought turtles ate plants?
I have not heard of a "Take your child to work" day?
Was it successful?
26656 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th April 2019, 20:59
Hi, Rusty!
I think there is a National "Take your child to work" Day ?
But I am not positive about this.......
However, today was a separate event set up by my daughter's company.
Staff members were invited to bring their children to work, and events were organised for different age groups.
There was an attendance of eighteen children, which seems a good number?
Yes, it was very successful!
I meant to ask you what happened about the two female ospreys involve in the nest contest?
The article said that a "foreign" female was first in residence...and then the "original" mate arrived.....
So which one got to stay?
26657 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th April 2019, 21:32
Hello, Elle!
As long as everyone had a good time and some work was done, I am sure everyone was happy.
The "original" female saw off her rival.
It is fairly common for younger birds to try and take over an established nest.
Did you have a go at your Latin puzzle?
26658 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th April 2019, 22:14
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I have done a few of the Latin clues....
My friend very kindly sent me the puzzle again in a different format, and this time I was able to print it out properly.
It even came out in black and white, instead of a very pale pink!
But it is difficult.......far more so than was last week's puzzle.
I do not think I shall get very far with it, although I am enjoying the challenge!
I didn't watch "Eggheads " tonight. I deleted the recording by mistake !
A senior moment!
26659 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th April 2019, 06:59
Good morning, Elle!
It is a fine morning here!
I find it strange that there has not been any queries on the forum about the Latin puzzle?
Maybe there has been and I have missed them, though.
On my Sky recorder I can delete recordings, but they do not "go" from the system for four weeks and are easily retrieved.
A bit like the system for deleting emails.
They must know about "senior moments" and this system can retrieve the "deleted" programmes.
Lassie looking quite content sitting on the eggs!
26660 of 30765  -   Report This Post