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7th April 2019, 18:01
Hello, Elle!
It is quite cold here today.
I mean Paddy P is a better judge than me!
I think that DM article is stretching it a bit!
I am sure the brothers made it look more dangerous by failing their first attempt deliberately.
Elizabeth, the illusionist, had a scarier act, I thought, and so did Amanda!
Yes, the show is edited, up until the live shows start.
There was a good Japanese act on too. "Fabulous Sisters".
26641 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th April 2019, 18:36
Good evening, Rusty!
I think your judgement sounds more or less agreed with Paddy P.
Oh, so the Mail Online article was exaggerating the situation?
I shall probably have a quick shufty at BGT later this evening, after I have spoken to my cousin.....
I'll get back to you later on that!
I "admonished" two women who were encouraging their two dogs to chase the goslings this afternoon!
Both dogs were in the water , and the goslings are too young yet to fly away.....
"Mum" was flapping her wings agitatedly.
The women were cheering on their dogs........ what mentality?
I just let rip (albeit very politely!)
But someone had to do something....!
And I regretted not taking a firmer stand last weekend, when a similar instance occurred.
Maybe I can become "pond police"!
26642 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th April 2019, 20:26
Hello, Elle!
The whole idea of the act was to make it look dangerous.
These are showmen performing!
Hope your cousin is fine.
These two women sound a right pair.
Imagine encouraging dogs to chase baby geese!
I think you should be careful how you speak to them, though.
There are some crackers going about!
26643 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th April 2019, 21:25
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I am sure you are right about the brothers' act.
But it certainly sounded a near disaster from the newspaper report!
And ironically, although I have now skipped through BGT...I didn't see the brothers!
I only recorded the show until the start of "Casualty"..... and then I recorded that instead.
So I must have missed their act!
"The Queen" gave me a start...I wasn't expecting that!
And yes, Faith Tucker was remarkable...and the children were full of joy and enthusiasm.....
But for me I think Elizabeth was the star turn.
How ever did she turn into the "ghost" of Agatha Turner?
And then appear as herself at the top of the stairs???
My word, that was seriously spooky!
Yes, my cousin is fine, thank you!
26644 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th April 2019, 21:56
Hello, Elle!
Just for you I have found the brothers!

Elizabeth was excellent, there was a hint of "The Sacred Rania" about her act.
I loved the teacher and the young ones.
But for me, Faith was the most talented.
You just never know what kind of act will walk on the stage.
That's what I like about it!

26645 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th April 2019, 22:13
Wow, Rusty!
That was some slick act!
Very accomplished, albeit very dangerous as Simon said.
Yes, there was lot of unnecessary...and not really truthful...... hype in that article .
I am glad to have the seen the act for myself.
Thank you for sending me the clip!

26646 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th April 2019, 22:26
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the boys were very good!
I am looking forward to their next act!
The newspaper article was a bit over the top.
You only had to look at their torsos.
There was not a mark on them from previous performances.
The danger is manufactured!
They are two highly skilled young men.
26647 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th April 2019, 10:36
Good morning, Rusty!
A dull but dry here here.
I have just looked in on Lassie......
She has laid a second egg yesterday evening!
There is apparently some concern now about the first egg, as, over the weekend, it was left unincubated for quite some time......Lassie having flown off, leaving Laddie in charge .
He left later, and Lassie did not return to incubate, so the egg was left unattended for a longish period.
There is a doubt now as to whether it will hatch.
But Lassie is at present in situ, sitting on both eggs!
Fingers crossed all will be well!
There are some good pics on the site.
26648 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th April 2019, 12:10
Good day, Elle!
Lovely day here.
Just home, been out doing stuff!
I did not know about the second egg.
Let's hope the eggs are OK, and maybe a third one on the way!

Jin-Young Ko won the golf and here is her jump into Poppie's Pond!

26649 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th April 2019, 13:25
Hi, Rusty!
I hope you had a successful morning's exertions?
I started the day with a list of "to-dos"........
We have family coming to stay on Thursday for a week, so I needed, for instance to make up all the beds.....
Our elder daughter and our two eldest grandsons are coming to stay with us.
That will be good......we are looking forward to it.
They will be here just in time for my birthday, which is on Friday!
Well done, Jin-Young Ko!
She looked a tad worried about jumping into the pond!
Well, Lassie is sitting on both eggs now.......
We shall have to wait to see if all is well with the first egg.......
26650 of 30765  -   Report This Post