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5th April 2019, 17:48
Hi, Rusty!
We are just home again.
No summer's day here....
It was very cold out, but it resulted in our having a brisk invigorating walk!
We enjoyed that.
I am glad that the horse racing is going well......
Well done, Willie - and you, too, of course!
How did Rachael do in the next race?
Was she in the first six?
Are you "rich" yet?
I could not believe at first that "nowness " existed..... but found it in Chambers.
My thoughts on "currency" were on money or rivers!
Not "time"!
Has your son been over to see you yet?
I know he finishes work early on Fridays.
26601 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 18:08
Hello, Elle!
Beautiful weather here!
Rachael came second in the race.
She rode a super race over the big fences but found one too good for her.
And guess who won the race....?
Willie "Walks on Water" Mullins! My hero!
I am not rich but modestly pleased with my returns today.
It would take me a wee while to think of "currency/rivers"!
I think my son should be here any minute.
I have the golf on.
It's the ladies this week, from California.
26602 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 19:58
Good evening, Rusty!
I hope you are having a good time with your son.
I expect you are watching the golf together, at the same time as chatting?
Well done , Rachael, on coming second!
Yes, your placing of bets has paid off very nicely.
You will be looking forward to the first BGT show tomorrow.
I have read in the News that there was an act that stuck terror in the hearts of the judges and also the audience!
I shall say no more........
26603 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 20:14
Good evening, Elle!
My son has gone home.
Had a grand time.
Watching the golf at Mission Hills, Cal.
Very scenic surroundings.
I was very pleased for Rachael!
Wonder what the act was?
Do you remember "The Sacred Riana" scaring the judges on America's Got Talent?
I am looking forward to BGT tomorrow!
26604 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 21:11
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, I know what the BGT act was about!
I am just not going to tell you as it will spoil it for you!
You will find out tomorrow!
Yes, I remember "The Sacred Riana"........she was frightening and spooky!
This is nothing like that!
And that is the only clue you will get!
I also have the Final of "The Voice" tomorrow !
Now.....time for a coffee...and a ginger bikkie!
26605 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 21:30
Hello, Elle!
No, I do not want to know.
I'll record BGT and watch it on Sunday morning.
It's my favourite programme!
Lassie looks content sitting there on the nest.
Maybe another egg soon!
26606 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 22:19
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I figured you would not want to would spoil the suspense .....
I have set my recorder for "Casualty" as that clashes with "The Voice".
I think I have decided whom I should like to win..... I shall maybe vote!
I hope Lassie is successful with her egg laying, and that this year all of them hatch.
And now I am away (early) to my bed......I am very tired!
Talk tomorrow.....
26607 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th April 2019, 08:22
Good morning, Elle!
A bit dreich here, so far!
Not been out yet.
TV recorders were a great invention!
Just for curiosity I had a look at the betting for "The Voice" winner.
Molly Hocking is a strong favourite.
I don't know how Lassie is getting on today.
The webcam does not appear to be working this morning.
26608 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th April 2019, 09:27

If I didn't say congratulatios on your fine score on yesterday's Times quiz, I do now! Am off out all day
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6th April 2019, 10:21
Thank you, Rosalind!
26610 of 30765  -   Report This Post