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7th February 2019, 20:39
Good evening, Elle!
Well done your husband!
I think your friend from Benfleet was wise turning back, but fair play to her for attempting the trip in the first place.
Been a fine day here, and mild.
Been a great far!

Good evening, Pigale!
I think you are doing the right thing in walking to exercise your back muscles.
Gentle exercise is the best way forward.
Let's hope for mild weather so you can get out and walk every day!
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7th February 2019, 20:41
Elle, yes, slowly but surely I am beginning to feel some progress!
Strenuous activities are still taboo, such as pushing the hoover for
instance - OK for 5mns but no more! The main thing is, as you
say, not to overdo it as the present one step forward would still
change into three steps backward - if you know what I mean!

The weather is also a great healer - less humidity also equals less
pain and, of course, a better morale! Don't forget, I am a Summer and heat person ..........

Hope your wind dies down completely - we are supposed to remain
somewhat windy for a few days, but as I said not as bad as the
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7th February 2019, 20:43
Sorry, meant to read

the present 'one step forward' would quickly change into 'three
steps backward' - not still!!!
25553 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th February 2019, 21:18
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear! I have just checked the local weather forecast for tomorrow....
Yet more gusty winds, but this time accompanied by heavy rain!
I hope it improves for the weekend.
Your weather seems much better than does ours!
Did your son come to visit?

Hello, Pigale!
No problem.......I 'read' what you had meant to put, rather than what you did , if you follow that!
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8th February 2019, 07:51
Good morning, Elle!
Did you put a hex on my weather?
It is wild and wet here this morning.
Much better than ice, though!
Yes, my son was here yestreen.
We had the golf from Pebble Beach, Cal, on in the background.
Just about to head out to get my paper, then visit the locksmith.
A tiny adjustment needed on the keys they made for me yesterday.
Going out with Miss L-B later, too.

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8th February 2019, 10:02
Good morning, Rusty!
It is wet and very windy here, too!
I was hard put to keep my footing in places.......the wind was just bowling me along!
And it is supposed to get worse!
It is as well that you and Miss L-B are trying out the new restaurant today, as it not as far for you to travel.
Did you not say that you could even walk there?
I hope you like the menu!
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8th February 2019, 14:59
Good afternoon, Elle!
It is wild here!
Storm Erik has landed!
Miss L-B and me went to Pine Cone as usual.
We discussed the new place but decided to go to our usual haunt.
Miss L-B and Miss O will try it out tomorrow and will tell me what like.
One of the Pine Cone waitresses has been three times and said it is nice.
So....I am home for the day.
Good puzzle today!
3d, 19d, 22d, and 24d, are new words to me!
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8th February 2019, 17:41
Hi, Rusty!
It is still pouring with rain and the wind is very strong.......
"Erik" has a lot to answer for!
The dog and I did not go far afield this afternoon...and we kept well away from any trees.......
A lot of branches were coming down in the park this morning!
So you decided against the new restaurant and went to the Pine Cone.....well, I can understand the lure of the 'tried and tested'!
It will be interesting to hear what the girls think of the new place , though, when they go there tomorrow.
I haven't yet finished the crossword .....I've been busy today!
But "Fourth Wall " is new to me, too!
I had never heard the term.
I've no idea what to have for dinner.....?
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8th February 2019, 18:00
Hello, Elle!
Still wild here, too!
No messing with Erik!
I like the Pine Cone, it is like home from home for me.
The staff are very good with us, so if I go out, that's where I'll be.
The girls and their folks are going to a new Nando's for tea, tonight.
They like Nando's, but, needless to say, I've not been in one!
Now, the British Indoor Athletics Championships are taking place this weekend (I've forgotten where!) but you will have to take to Red Button to watch them.
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8th February 2019, 19:55
Hi, Rusty!
Uhm...I cannot find out much about watching the British Athletics Indoor Championships this weekend?
Google tells me I can only watch it on "Connected TV or online"?
What, pray, is "Connected TV"?
I have never heard of it?!
And I have found no mention of the Athletics Championships being shown on the Red Button?
How did you know that?
Do you have a reference whereby I can find it, please?
I think Nando's only serves chicken ?
I have never been to a Nando's, either...but then I do not like chicken!
25560 of 30765  -   Report This Post