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5th February 2019, 21:53
Elle, one of my favourite outfit was a rather mini kilt (fashionable
in Paris at the time) worn with knee high boots and a mid-leg
long coat ! I really liked the contrast between the two lengths!

And then came the round trousers - do you remember those?
25521 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th February 2019, 22:04
Hello, Elle and Pigale!
Here's a much shorter one by this talented young girl.
I think she has done quite a few.
She may have her own YouTube channel.
I'll have to investigate!
25522 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th February 2019, 22:12
Rusty, I have a feeling - perhaps wrong - that this girl was part of
the youngsters' group in the previous link? Or else they look pretty
much alike.
Look towards the end of the fist link, when she is sitting down
placing the dominos, and again towards the beginning of the second
link, when again she is placing dominos. Not at the end because
she is not wearing her glasses then.
25523 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th February 2019, 22:29
Hello, Pigale!
Yes, that's her!
Her name is Hevesh5 and she has lots of videos on YouTube.
Several years ago the producers of America's Got Talent asked her if she would like to audition for the show, but I do not know if she appeared or not. (must find out!)
I think she is super!
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5th February 2019, 23:04
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the second domino clip.
It is a very skilful art that is required for the placing of all these dominoes so that they will fall down in the knock on effect.
Very well done to Hevesh.

And Pigale, well spotted for recognising Hevesh in the earlier clip.
I missed that connection.
I am unsure what you mean by "round trousers"?
And I wonder retrospectively however did we walk in our stiletto heels?!
25525 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th February 2019, 09:58
Good morning, Elle!
Milder today but still frosty!
Hevesh5 has many videos on YouTube.
The hours and days she must put in to achieve her "sets" is incredible, and painstaking.
Could "round trousers" be "loon pants", I wonder?
Now, what shall we discuss today?
Yesterday was "skorts" and "domino toppling".
Time for a change?
25526 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th February 2019, 10:31
Good morning Elle and Rusty!

A total change in the weather in that we are back with our grey sky!
Anyway, not too cold and no snow/rain/ice etc... so I guess it'll have
to be Okay!

Just a quickie before changing the subject,

Elle, round trousers were the rage in France just after the Loon Pants -
They were very tight fitting around the hips, and then the legs were
just two tubes without any seam or crease. They were very attractive
when worn by the right person, ie someone fairly slim, otherwise
they made one look shapeless.
As regard the stilettos, they improved the shape of the leg, but once
again so long as the wearer knew how to walk/dance with them!

25527 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th February 2019, 11:03
Good morning, Pigale!
Grey sky here, too, today, but less cold.
I don't think I had "round trousers" and I certainly did not wear stilettos!
Maybe they were only for ladies!
25528 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th February 2019, 11:08
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
It is much warmer here, too, about 10C - but very wet again!
Very muddy dog....
I have a split in my Nubucks, so will have to effect a repair with the StormSure Glue.
Wonderful stuff!
I don't know "loon pants"?
I probably knew them by another name......
I have already had my delivery of pet food arrive... right at the beginning of the " one hour time slot"!
I have nothing essential to do now until the dog is ready for another walk.. or plodge, if the rain keeps this up!
Time now for a coffee, my apple and (Cheddar) cheese...and the crossword!

Hello, Pigale!
I wonder could your "round" trousers be what we called "drainpipes"?
"Loon pants" are new to me , too.
Maybe they were flares, or bell-bottoms?
I was an expert at walking, dancing , even running, in stilettos!
Looking at them now though...I do wonder how I managed?
(Or why I even wanted to do so!)
My heels now are much more moderate!
25529 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th February 2019, 11:21
Yes Elle, I never had problems with stilettos either and carried on
wearing high heels for many years - just slightly different shape.
But my father was in the shoe trade so he supplied me with the latest
fashion shoes before they were even in the shops! I was lucky and
did not really appreciate having to 'BUY' my shoes once he retired!
it was somewhat of a shock!

At present, I wear very very low heel shoes/booties because of my
back problem - must be sensible!

We used to call the loon trousers 'elephant paw pants', and you are
correct I think about your calling them 'flares'.
Drain pipes, no! my round trousers were much wider than
drain pipes ones. I never understood how they could be made though,
I mean no seam? How did they manage to cut the material? unless
it was purpose-manufactured just for this?
25530 of 30765  -   Report This Post