Hello, Elle,
I have recorded "The Voice"!
Wonder if I'll find time to watch it!
Can I offer you a little story to try and explain my thinking regarding ants/termites.
For thousands of years on Earth we have had a little long tailed rodent called a mouse.
Mice are everywhere, we all know them.
Then, about forty or so years ago, some clever person invented a little gadget for remotely moving a cursor around on a computer screen.
And because, to them, the little gadget resembled a mouse, that was what it became known as, the world over.
Now we all know the computer mouse is not a true mouse, a little rodent, like Mr Jingles, but that gadget is in our vocabulary and in all the dictionaries as a "mouse".
I think the termite/ant thing may be similar.
A termite may not be a true ant, and I certainly take the points that Pigale and you have excellently made, but it has entered our language as one.
In my humble opinion.